Thursday, December 1, 2016

Skeleton Closet - S/T cd (1995)

Mimi Raiter - Guitar/Vocals
Marty Schwarzbauer - Guitar/Vocals
Doug Herr - Drums/Vocals
David Kosmatka - Bass/Vocals

Mimi was the very first Eugene musician I ever met way back in 1983 when she worked at Earth River Records. I still miss that place. Seemed appropriate to post something Mimi played on for the blog's 100th post, a milestone! Thanks to Mimi and Marty for allowing this post!

Skeleton Closet (1995)

1. Aversion Day
2. Charlie Spider
3. Cobwebs
4. Bittersweet
5. Nuclear Attack
6. Zapata
7. Sometimes
8. Questions On The Netherlands What's Amanda Do
9. Lone Cowboy
10. Suburbia
11. Fucked Up


Monday, November 21, 2016

The Ghosts of 13th St: Killed By Apathy Vol. 3

Even later than usual, here is the third volume of our monthly series that began in July of 2015. Given the current state of things a picture of the torn down animal house seemed appropriate, not sure who originally took the picture. As usual, if you want your band off this comp, just email and your track will be promptly removed. 

The Ghosts of 13th: Killed By Apathy Vol. 3

1. Rope and Ride - The Guardians of American Morality
2. Mohawk Twist - The Jackals
3. Crystal Up My Butt - Billy Jack
4. Eraser - Oswald Five-O
5. El Mosquito - Los Mex Pistols Del Norte
6. Katie's Song - Now William
7. It's Your Life - The Crows
8. Carni Affair - Trey Gunn
9. Shaved Ape - The Venice Liberation Army
10. I Hate Punks - Edison Complex
11. Singled Out - Johnson Unit
12. Aversion Day - A Few Chairs
13. It's My Time - Marble Orchard
14. More Beer Now - The Rangers
15. I Must Kill - The Carrion Commandos

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ken Snead (R.I.P.)

Ken Snead, who passed away in 2012, came up in a recent Facebook thread and I realized I'd never posted this compilation cd of his bands. Apparently this cd was given out at his memorial service. I don't have band names or track listings so any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Ken "Animal" Snead  Memorial CD, 39 tracks


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fire Clown "Junkie b/w Big Disease"

Adem Tepedelen - Guitar
Brian - Guitar
James - Drums
Karl - Bass
Jeff - Vocals

I know next to nothing about Fire Clown other than they rose from the ashes of God Bone and had this lone single on New Rage Records. Adem, can you help me out with history and details?

Junkie b/w Big Disease

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Eagle Park Slim (RIP) - Late Late Love Shift (1985, Cassette Only)

Eagle Park Slim played around Eugene for decades, a community figure you just expected to always be there. I found out earlier today that he has passed away. This is the only release I have by Slim, kindly supplied by Erich Boekelheide a few years back. I believe this is the first Eugene release although I imagine Eagle Park Slim had a number of prior releases as well. RIP Eagle Park Slim, please donate to the Go Fund Me link to help pay for services if you can.

Go Fund Me - help bury Eagle Park Slim - Currently need just $2000 more to meet goal!

Late Late Love Shift (1985)

1. Born Again
2. I'm Back in School Again
3. You're My Jamaica
4. That Eagle Park Sound
5. Five More Miles To Go
6. I'll Be Your Designated Driver
7. Train #4
8. Landlord Blues
9. Late Late Love Shift
10. I Got a Bank Account
11. I'm Gonna Save My Money (Until I Get Old)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Superchrist - Unreleased Demo (1990)

E. Ron Harding (RIP) - Vocals
Sean Smith - Bass
Bobby Wane - Guitar
Doug Wilkerson - Drums

I never saw Superchrist play but I got a copy of this demo from Doug 26 years ago. I lost my copy and think I got the tracks from Gayle Truax but I can't remember, even that was a long time ago. Big thanks to guitarist Bobby Wane for supplying some details:

I was just learning guitar and Ron didn't have enough lyrics for the sketches were were working with so he kept pulling things out of a diary that I kept in high school of acid trips. A few months later the band actually started practicing, evolved into a a really different version of itself, and went into the studio to record a nice set of songs by a "professional" who wore a perm and kept insisting we sound like BOSTON.

SuperChrist didn't play out in Eugene much. Co-Art, Max's, and a few parties here and there. It was really just a "practice band" for the next iteration, which was Flower (Ron as singer) & Beads of Mercury (Sean as singer).

A typical show would be me 
handing out set lists to the band 2 minutes beforehand that nobody could read because my hand-writing was too small; this would typically result in Doug playing one song while the band played a completely different song. At the end I'd ask him why he fucked up so bad on XYZ song and he would say "Oh shit, I thought you were playing a different song!" And it would go that way for almost all of the songs. My sun-glasses would keep getting stuck and dangling from my hair until I pulled a clump of hair out of my head to remove them. Ron flailed around the stage bumping into Doug's drum set and stomping all over my guitar pedals while Doug stabbed him in the back with his drum sticks trying to get him away from us. Ron's signature "move" was the "swoop-a-loop", which was a kind of crazy Iggy Pop meets Michael Jackson move with his shirt off. Mid-way through a song we'd notice that Ron go missing, as he would usually wind up writhing around on the ground in front of the stage. 

Filling in some blanks for the Blog:

E. Ron Harding (RIP) - Vocals (Modern Laundry, SuperChrist, Flower)

Sean Smith - Bass (The Crows, Dionysian 5, SuperChrist, Flower, Beads of Mercury, Chelsea Speed Party, Lee Rude)

Bobby Wane - Guitar (SuperChrist, Flower, Beads of Mercury, The Dotted Line, The Vicious Cycle, Invisible, The Charm & The Conspiracy, Arthur & Yu, This Blinding Light)

Doug Wilkerson - Drums (Mind Garage, SuperChrist, Flower, Beads of Mercury, Chelsea Speed Party) 

Superchrist Demo

1. White House Turns Black
2. Super Christ
3. Liar
4. Sing For Your Soul

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Big I Am - Unreleased Demo (?) (1990 or 1991)

Jim Kelso - Vocals
Sam Oberholtzer - Bass
Scott van Dusen - Guitar
Scott Shively - Drums

I don't remember if this demo was actually released or not. I didn't know these guys although I did seem them play at Max's a couple of times. I thought their track on the Pollen Count tape was one of the standouts. I have a vague recollection of seeing a Big I Am tape at House of Records but it's been 25 years so hazy at best. Fortunately, former vocalist Jim Kelso found out about the blog and was kind enough to send this in. I will email him for track names and a band history because I don't have any of that information.  Here are 12 demo tracks plus the Colt 45 track from Pollen Count: