Saturday, December 10, 2016

Gulag Tunes "Melodies And Rhythms Of Gulag" 2005 + "Мелодии любви - Love Melodies" EP 2007

This is the first in The Vivisectors' Love Melodies series. Lots more beautiful and haunting Russian melodies brought up to date. A very creative series. - Phil DirtGulag Tunes was a conceptual art-rock project which reinterprets the folkloric music of the gulags by combining traditional Russian minor-key melodies with roots rock. The themes that form the core of Gulag Tune's instrumental compositions are all based on traditional prison music (or similar songs) banned during the Soviet era for being too brutal, cruelly romantic or otherwise distasteful to the regime. Prison songs (known as blatniak) in Russia enjoy great popularity similar to one of country music in the U. read more on

01 Intro 02 Migrant Birds 03 Stop That Train (I Wanna Get Off) 04 Taganka (Old Moscow Jailhouse) 05 Express Vorkuta-Leningrad 06 Black Raven 07 Uncle Ivan's Cherry Garden 08 Kolyma 09 Limonchiki 10 New Pub On Deribasovkaya Street 11 Two Punks Escape From Odessa Jailhouse 12 Bublichki 13 Night Lights 14 Gop-So-Smykom (Natural Born Thief) 15 Pigeons Flying Over Our Prison 16 Night Lights-2 (drynk version)

Gulag Tunes "Мелодии любви - Love Melodies" EPSurf from Russia - A never released 4-track "promo" - only to introduce these guys with the strange name. All tracks from their very new release, only available in Russia. Recorded '07 - Released '08. for more informations go to: 
and Gulag-Tunes is a side project... 

1 - На Молдаванке (On The Moldawian / Die Moldau) 2 - Воровка никогда не станет прачкой (The Thief Never Becomes A Laundress) 3 - Течет речечка (a song by Vladimir Vysotsky, a russian songwriter) 4 - Огонек (Spark)
…originally served by stas p...


RYP said...

Gulag Tunes "Melodies And Rhythms Of Gulag" + "Мелодии любви - Love Melodies" EP
gitit! pw: rideyourpony

luis said...

thanks Ryp for this Gulag tunes. Have it only partially. so is very appreciated

JohnnyDiego said...

Interesting stuff. Where do you get all these records, RYP? Day after day of truly great surf. I didn't think there were that many surf bands in the entire world but you keep coming up with them. Each day for years. My knowledge of surf music was nonexistent until I stumbled on TZ way back then. Then blammo pow, surf's up. Thanks.

RYP said...

I bought a lot over the years, I got some from other friendly blogs like "Trustar Vibrations", "SURFADELIC", "Fat City Cigar Lounge", "Xtabay" & Sandy of "Sandy's Surfspot" and "Endless Summer" blogspot (all 3 from Australia)! But the most I got from my friends Eek! The Cat (R.I.P.) and Teisco!
Sometimes I need the music without words, only pure sound of Fender, Silvertone and Gretsch guitars! ...and Dusty Watson on the drums is a must (Original member of Jon and the Nightriders then member of The Runaways, Lita Ford, Concrete Blonde, Channel 3, Laureen Ellis, The Boss Martians, Legs Diamond, Agent Orange, Dick Dale's backing band The Del-Tones, The Queers, the Supersuckers and Rhino Bucket. He also joined the psychedelic punk rock metal band, BLOODHOOK, recording their debut full-length album at the legendary Van Nuys, California recording studio, Sound City.
He is currently a member of Rhino Bucket, the Queers, Becky Barksdale, Davie Allan and the Arrows, Slacktone, the Surfaris, and The Sonics!)!


luis said...

hope you will share other album from vivisectors in the future.

JohnnyDiego said...

RYP --
I know what you mean. The past few nights I've lain in bed with headphones and listened to the Four Piece Suit you shared recently. Beautifully relaxing. A couple of years ago you shared The Blue Stingrays, Tom Petty's band that released a surf album. I died for that album listening to it while walking, driving, and lying in bed.
Keep up the great work, it's appreciated.

RYP said...

I have 2 Vivisectors albums:
"Case History of John Doe" 2004 + "Handmade" 2005. I'll post them soon...

Brause said...

The Berlin Bolschewistische Kurkapelle Schwarz-Rot consists of 15 musicians who transform workers’ songs into punk rock, rock works into polka and folk songs into rap.

Die Bolschewistische Kurkapelle schwarz-rot ist eine Musikgruppe aus Berlin. In unterschiedlicher Besetzung, aber immer mit einer deutlichen Dominanz der Blechbläser, hat sie vor allem Arbeiterlieder im Repertoire, die sie neu interpretiert. Die Kapelle teilte sich 2010 und trat seither unter gleichem Namen in zwei unterschiedlichen Besetzungen auf. Im März 2012 gründete ein Teil ein neues Orchester namens „Sogenannte Anarchistische Musikwirtschaft“.

Die Gruppe wurde 1986 in Ost-Berlin als Nachfolger der Liedtheatergruppe Karls Enkel mit dem Anspruch gegründet, Arbeiterlieder wieder hörbar zu machen und sowohl aus der bloßen Folklore als auch der politischen Propaganda der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) zu befreien. Beeinflusst wurde die Band durch die Ideen von Erwin Piscator.[1]

Im Mittelpunkt stehen Interpretationen der Arbeiterlieder, beispielsweise von Hanns Eisler oder Hermann Scherchen. Die Kurkapelle spielt diese unter dem Einsatz von Blechbläsern, versetzt sie in treibende Rhythmen und macht sie lebendig und tanzbar. Obwohl gerade auf Konzerten die Lieder mit satirischen Einlagen kombiniert werden, werden sie doch nie in die Lächerlichkeit gezogen. Neben Arbeiterliedern nehmen die Werke der Band Ton Steine Scherben bzw. Kompositionen von Rio Reiser eine herausragende Rolle ein. Darüber hinaus spielt die Gruppe auch eine Reihe von Eigenkompositionen, Werke verschiedener Künstler der Popmusik als auch Kompositionen der klassischen Moderne. Grundsätzlich stehe der „programmatisch-politische Anspruch“ im Vordergrund, die Band möchte sich nicht auf ein reines Spaßprogramm beschränken lassen. Quelle: Wikipedia

Brause greets our surfing socialist friends in the Soviet Union! Ahoj! Ahoj! Ahoj!





Brause said...

Sozialistischen Dank an RYP für die Gulag Lieder! Nochmal ein dreifaches Ahoi!

Anonymous said...

Thanks RYP for the Gulag Tunes. Today's music for house cleaning :^) Very enjoyable.
Does anyone have vocal music which combines traditional sounds of eastern Europe with rock? Most of what I've found is without the traditional element.


RYP said...

und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist, drum braucht er was zu essen, bitte sehr... ahoi!

LittleJack said...

Thanks That's exactly thé music that I need for working still midnight!!
Sure that I'll transfenr this album on my Archos.
Sir RYP Thanks again