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Our copyright laws are holding us back, and they're easily fixed

Imagine a land in which everything was outlawed, except for the things that were specifically allowed. Things would more-or-less work, until you tried something new.|By Peter Martin

Peter Martin: Recession? We're not even close

The Treasury and the Reserve Bank are likely to 'look through' the reported numbers to focus on what's happening beneath them.|By Peter Martin
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GDP dive of 0.5 per cent is more than a 'wake-up call', says Treasurer Scott Morrison:

Treasurer Scott Morrison has branded the dramatic end to five continuous years of economic growth "not just a reminder, not just a wake-up call, but a demand to support economic policies that drive investment and jobs".|By Peter Martin

Jobs without growth: Experts think the economy went backwards

Update at 1130 AEDT

Financial market analysts believe the economy went backwards immediately after the July election, ending 5 years of continuous growth and calling into question the government's repeated promise to "deliver jobs and growth".|By Peter Martin

Extreme Victoria. Melbourne rides high while the rest of the state backwards. SGS Planning and Economics capital city accounts

Victoria has become Australia's most divided state as the economic fortunes of Melbourne soar while those in the rest of the state crumble faster than anywhere else in the nation.|By Peter Martin, Darren Gray

Peter Martin: Cheap wine is better, but hide the bottle

I hate going into bottleshops. Partly because I was brought up a Methodist, and partly because I never pick the right thing. If I spend too much, I'll be wasting my money; if I spend too little, the guests will think I'm serving rubbish. And to me, it all tastes the same.|By Peter Martin

Ex World Bank economist speaks out. Save the world, give a workers a share in profits

The world of wages has gotten out of whack.|By Peter Martin

Alexander's excellent idea. How Turnbull could shrink negative gearing and give us houses. Me, today.

Turnbull and Morrison are genuinely concerned about the inability of ordinary Australians to buy houses and are open to ideas.|By Peter Martin

Stand by for a Reserve Bank rate hike and loosen your budget, says OECD

The OECD believes the next move in Reserve Bank interest rates will be up, sometime before the end of 2017.|By Peter Martin

ABS on probation after damning review into #CensusFail

The Australian Bureau of Statistics made the right call to shut down the disastrous 2016 census but the website's troubles were avoidable and rooted in years of bad decisions, a parliamentary inquiry has found.|By Peter Martin

Exclusive. Meet Emma Husar, the face of Australia's domestic violence crisis

Hours before the Labor MP catapulted herself to national attention, she closed the door to her office and started typing.|By Matthew Knott

Important. There are two Australias: Things are bad outside the Sydney-Melbourne bubble.

The concept of "two Australias" isn't new, but those of us in VicNSW are less aware of it than we were back at the peak of the mining boom when it was QldWA versus the rest.|By Peter Martin

Peter Martin: Barnaby, your advice about sugar is particularly rich, and cruel

Never accept dietary advice from the Nationals.|By Peter Martin

Now its sugar. The Grattan Institute wants a soft drink tax of $520 million

The United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, France, Fiji, Mexico, South Africa and parts of America have sugar taxes. Australia could be next.|By Peter Martin

$24 billion budget blowout. MYEFO to confirm the worst on December 19

Much lower than expected wage growth has knocked a hole in the government's budget projections, blowing out deficits right through until 2019-20.|By Peter Martin

End the age of entitlement: cut tax perks for seniors, says Grattan Institute.

Australia's tax system has become skewed towards a growing and apparently untouchable group of 'taxed nots' - they are older Australians who pay roughly $1 billion per year less tax than younger Australians in the same circumstances, according to a new Grattan Institute report.|By Peter Martin

The case for a universal basic income, no questions asked. Me, today.

What if the right to an income was as basic as the right to vote?|By Peter Martin
Economics editor, The Age.