Internship Opportunities

FFRF seeks interns year round to assist its staff in daily operations. Positions are based in Madison, Wisconsin, where FFRF is headquartered. All available internships are writing intensive internships. Thus, excellent writing, communication and research skills are required.

Law Student Internships

Law student interns research and analyze caselaw concerning state/church separation; review and investigate complaints received; draft letters to state agencies and officials to remedy constitutional violations; draft legal FAQ portions of the website; and assist in background research for potential litigation. Administrative tasks are also assigned as necessary.

How to Apply:
Please email a cover letter, resume, copy of law school transcripts (unofficial is fine) and writing sample (no longer than 10 pages) to Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Subject line: LAW INTERNSHIP)

Summer: Apply by Feb. 15th
Fall and Spring: Open until filled

**Law students may also seek an externship position with FFRF. Contact Attorney Markert for further information on that opportunity.

Undergraduate Internships - Legal

FFRF has opportunities for undergraduate students both in the legal department and editorial department.

Undergraduate legal interns assist FFRF staff attorneys with a variety of research projects for state/church complaints; assist in drafting open records requests as well as a variety of nonlegal correspondence; and other administrative tasks as necessary.

How to Apply:
Please email a cover letter, resume, and writing sample (no longer than 10 pages) to Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Subject line: LEGAL INTERNSHIP)

Summer: Apply by April 15th
Fall and Spring: Open until filled

Undergraduate Internships - Editorial

Undergraduate editorial interns assist our Communications Department. Potential projects include assisting the Editor of FFRF's newspaper, Freethought Today, with drafting and editing; compiling research for and drafting Freethought of the Day quotes; assisting with publicizing FFRF's nonlitigation victories; and other administrative tasks as necessary.

How to Apply:
Please email a cover letter, resume, and writing sample (no longer than 10 pages) to Director of Operations Lisa Strand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Subject line: COMMUNICATIONS INTERNSHIP)

Summer: Apply by April 15th
Fall and Spring: Open until filled

FFRF is a non-profit, educational organization. All dues and donations are deductible for income-tax purposes.

FFRF has received a 4 star rating from Charity Navigator

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