MYEFO: Helpful discovery of treasury mistakes is the biggest feature of the budget update

The biggest problem facing the government has been a continuing decline in revenues,
The biggest problem facing the government has been a continuing decline in revenues, David Rowe

The biggest moving figures in the mid-year review of the budget come about through things the government doesn't control, or through miraculously realising that they've been getting spectacularly wrong the number of people who will be sticking out their hands for government money.

As has often been the case ever since the global financial crisis, the biggest problem facing the government has been a continuing decline in revenues. Both sides of politics have come up with various ways of countering this over the years. The way this government has got itself out of a hole, on this occasion, has been to find almost $13 billion towards the bottom line from recalculating how many people will be claiming various forms of welfare.

For example, child care benefits, rebates and subsidies are expected to be $724 million lower this year and $7.6 billion lower over four years because it turns out there just won't be as many children for whom these benefits will be claimed.

Similarly the government is going to have to pay $656 million less than it expected this year, and $2.7 billion less over four years because the number of age pensioners is going to be growing less than previously expected.

A year of miracles.
A year of miracles. Budget papers

The same is true for people claiming income support as carers ($1.9 billion less over four years).

Wedged between the threat of a credit downgrade, the need to deliver on a range of election boondoggle infrastructure projects for the Nats, and a simpering rate of economic growth, the realisation that everyone has previously been working on a series of such whoops-a-daisy estimates in the past is a truly munificent miracle delivered to the government.

Big year

How you judge the mid-year review depends on whether you believe a government that has had a rather big year, what with an election campaign, near-death experience, difficult Senate, ex-prime minister who won't just go away, and various other crises was really in any place to use a mid-year review of the budget to launch some dramatic mini-budget round of spending cuts.

The realistic answer to that is "no". This is particularly true when it is driven by an underlying determination to persuade voters it isn't going to deliver any unexpected nasty surprises.

So what does the mid-year review actually do? Well, not much. It keeps the net cost of spending decisions over four years to $2.5 billion and, amid all the pluses and minuses of a weak economy, keeps the bottom line for this year on track. That's about it.

The biggest "policy" decision is some notably vague commitment to do "better management of the social welfare system" – aka a "welfare crackdown" to yield savings of $3.7 billion over four years.

With all the focus on what a bunch of utterly discredited organisations aka the credit ratings agencies might think of the budget, the dynamics reflected in this document have generally been missed.

Reading between the lines of the revised economic forecasts, things are all rather gloomy.

Noticeably anaemic

Treasury says in MYEFO that the biggest risk remains the international outlook "with uncertainty across both advanced and emerging market economies".

But the domestic forecasts are also noticeably anaemic.

Let's keep in mind that the September quarter national accounts showed the economy shrinking.

There were plenty of technical reasons why people could explain that away. MYEFO forecasts "that this period of weaker growth is temporary", but the forecasts seem to reflect a concern that weak household consumption – in turn fed by a lack of serious wages growth – could be the economy's Achilles heel in 2017.

Growth has been pruned back to a rather sad 2 per cent for this year, and employment growth to just 1.25 per cent

MYEFO means the government will have dodged a bullet from the credit ratings agencies. But it still reveals an economy which Labor can rightly say hardly delivers the "jobs and growth" the government promised.