Comments by evidencematters

The one-year-old Trump presidency

"The cover of this rag says more about the state of Rothschild-owned TE & the 6 multinationals that control over 90% of the MSM than about Trump. "

Jeez, not the MSM and anti-semetic crapola again. The Rothschilds have a stake in The Economist and don't "own it". Even if they did, so what.

Strange, isn't it that wingnuts whinge about the MSM at the same time as ignoring ownership of Fox News and the WSJ (and also ignore Breitbart, WND and Infowars amongst others).

The one-year-old Trump presidency

"I don't know what TE means? The economy is growing, blue collar wages are rising, consumer and business sentiment is way up. This is the reason the world economy is on an uptick,is NOT, as TE says, because "Mr Trump is lucky—the world economy is enjoying its strongest synchronised upswing since 2010." Or at least if TE disagrees, please provide the basis of your statement."

Read the article again. It addresses what you say.

The one-year-old Trump presidency

None of what you say addresses The Economist's lead article, that Trump is a deeply flawed character. The article has nothing whatsoever to do with what Democrats think. Nobody with a good education and reasonable understanding of power and human nature respects Trump, or his apologists.

For what it is worth the latest issue of The Economist reviews Fire and Fury and is basically very complimentary about it.

We, that's your view. Seems to me that May has the easiest job any UK prime minister has ever had. She's nothing more than a chairman of the government, without decision making power. It's others who are making the decisions. All she can do is sit back and watch. Unable to influence anything, she's a non-politicisian without a job.

Yer, looks as if, in the UK, we have suffered from a coup d'etat by the reactionary right of the Conservative party. They grabbed power through the Brexit referendum rather than through a general election.

Underlying the problem is the long-term demise of the Conservative Party. It now appears to have no more than 70,000 members. Worse still they are ageing - some half appear to be over 65 (somewhat like UKIP).

Out of touch, incompetent and unrepresentative.

Yer, but the staff and readers of The Economist are not fools, as you suggest. The Economist is pitched at professional people, typically with degrees from good universities and post grad qualifications. They hold senior positions in business or at the top end of public administration.

If your claims are true, they would see through The Economist and not bother reading it.

Instead you post the inanities of someone with limited intellect and experience of the world, claiming them to be absolute truths. So how old are you?



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