Trump and Putin

My brilliant friend

What explains the Republican nominee’s fondness for Russia’s president?

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That Trump admires Putin merely reflects the simple fact that those who want him to become president want a dictator to lead them. It also shows how many people tacitly approve of violence as a means to resolve conflicts. Donald is omnipotent and omniscient in his own words, and so probably in his own mind, and his followers want to believe he has those powers. Seen from afar, with much distance, it is a sign that many people feel their country has not served them well. As long as those who oppose US citizens who want Trump to become president don't at least try to address the genuine concerns that hide in there somewhere, because these people deserve respect like any other citizen, this "culture war" will remain. There is way too much talk about Donald Trump, because in the end he matters not: The citizens who would vote for him do.


Whenever I post something on here I get strange things happening to my computer after -people hacking my gmails -odd messages popping up with no-one on there-could it be that the Economist is one of the most trusted papers by the American people to read and is being hacked by cyber crooks like Putin's friends trying to intervene in the election if you write anything anti Trump? or is it simply cyber crooks -either way it only happens to me when I go on this site -does it happen to anyone else?

Abdelkader Hamdaoui

It is indeed dangerous to be right when all others, especially politicians, are self-righteously wrong, and especially when we have Saudi bribed Congressmen (such as Keith Ellison who is as thick as two short planks) around. Trump is honest, disruptively (of the corrupted two-party establishment) straight forward and upfront. A quality hypocritical and politically correct Americans with their perverted sense of morality can’t come to terms with. Obama is a dead loss, the other ones are beating around the bush. Hillary (a Saudi Arabian puppet) is the danger; she is duplicitous, iniquitous and treacherous, and will drag Americans into harm's way of major military conflict. Whereas, (Sanders and) Trump will spend Americans' time, energy and taxpayers' money on education and creating jobs rebuilding America'a nationwide crumbling infrastructure, will get Western Powers (NATO) to abandon their Cold War thinking and stop buggering about with China, Korea and Russia and stoking conflicts in Eastern Europe, will not look for trouble with heavy military presence around the world and will mind our own business; which is to look after the health of American people, creating real wealth and financial security for generations to come by getting well out of the weapons industry and into a prosperous and peaceful Air and Space industry.


Why is the FBI re-opening its investigations into Hillary? Haven't they had enough of hating her yet?

She hasn't done anything wrong, everybody says so.

I know, they hate her because she is a woman, she is a good woman, she is the smartest woman in the world and she wants to fight for us.

Yes, she will fight for us. In Syria, she wants to declare a no-fly zone to bring us into open conflict with Russia.

Fight, fight, fight. War, war, war. Nuclear, nuclear, nuclear. Hillary good, man bad!

She wants to fight for us in the East, too. She says she wants to ring China with missiles. Isn't that what we all want?

As secretary of state, she fomented wars in Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. That is the best way to get peace and understanding, yes, that is why I am voting for peace and Hillary.

We need a woman to fight for us. Then we will have peace.

“The danger to America (and the world) is not only a Saudi backed Hillary Clinton but deplorable morons and imbeciles prepared to entrust a woman like her with the Presidency. It will be far easier to stop her (and the Obama administration) buggering around with Russia and limit her power to take the country to war than to instill the necessary common sense and good judgement to politically depraved Americans willing to have such an irascible harridan for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mrs Clinton who is a mere symptom of what ails America, it is the vast conspiracy of fools (especially hausfraus) that are prepared to make her their Führerint . The U.S. may survive a Hillary Clinton, who is, after all, merely despotic. It is less likely to survive a suzerainty of idiots such as those who are prepared to make her their leader.”

Zoltán Koskovics

FBI reopens Clinton email investigation.
This is the time for Assange and/or Putin to release the real dirt if they have it.
Interesting 24-48 hrs to come. Even if nothing happens it's interesting because it'll mean that there is no dirt on her or its not available.

longman333 in reply to Zoltán Koskovics

FBI has reopened its enquiry into Hillary's bad way of acting during her office as Secretary of State. Probably the investigations could led to her arrest. It goes without saying that only idiots can vote for a candidate who is suspected to have put the national security in danger. It is also surprising that such a candidate, who is arousing so many suspicions, can take part in the race for the US presidency. Such a candidate, if she had a little pride, should hide herself or commit suicide.

guest-ojwiaaa in reply to longman333

One is innocent until proven guilty. Trump is also accused of multiple sexual assaults, robbing its own charity and what not. Yet these candidates were favored bu the people in one of the weakest primaries ever.

We do have sensible people that were interested in the top job before. People who have issues with Romney or Bloomberg may be reevaluating their standards right now


Trump has been bankrupt 4 times. Sensible banks won't lend to him. His Atlantic City junk bond investors lost money and sued him for fraud (unsuccessfully, the court said the prospectus included enough weasel words). He bragged of making money on the failed casinos, which implies an illegal failure of fiduciary duties to the investors. So the idea that Trump is owned by Russian oligarchs close to Putin is not at all far fetched. Russian mafia may be one of the few investors who could actually get their money back--if Trump values his life.

daydreambeviva in reply to guest-naiwlsa

Trump has had nearly a hundred business enterprises. Any businessman worth his salt wouldn't blink at four bankruptcies in that.

Meanwhile, half of all those that had meetings with Hillary in the first two years of her term as Secretary of State made a donation to the Clinton Foundation.

The New York Attorney General says the Clinton Foundation hasn't filed the proper financial statements for the last three years.

Hillary has netted over one hundred and fifty million dollars for speeches to banks in the last four years and she has let them know that as president she will support TPP and allow them to self-regulate.

What could be wrong with that?

Didomyk in reply to daydreambeviva

"Hillary has netted over one hundred and fifty million dollars for speeches to banks in the last four years and she has let them know that as president she will support TPP and allow them to self-regulate.

"What could be wrong with that?"

Your empty talk, that's what. You don't believe in evidence. Putin does not believe in evidence either. Coincidence ?

dr sleuth

I don't believe that Mr. Trump would cozy up to Vlad. Much like President Reagan, Trump would limit Putin's expansion by updating NATO as well putting some misile bases under Vlad's nose.

longman333 in reply to dr sleuth

Who would know Hillary if she wouldn't have gained "office" on Bill's coat-tails? Who? Nobody. Politically she is a nonentity of the utmost insignificance. As Secretary of State was a disaster and Obama had to replace her because of all damages she did. FBI Director said that she endangered national security many times in her position as Secretary of State. And this nonentity is aiming at US Presidency? My cat is laughing. Of course in the light of an electorate that was foolish enough to elect a scoundrel as Obama as President twice is surely foolish enough to elect the nonentity, incapable, dangerous Hillary. Everything is possible according to Murphy's law.

longman333 in reply to dr sleuth

Who would know Hillary if she wouldn't have gained "office" on Bill's coat-tails? Who? Nobody. Politically she is a nonentity of the utmost insignificance. As Secretary of State was a disaster and Obama had to replace her because of all damages she did. FBI Director said that she endangered national security many times in her position as Secretary of State. And this nonentity is aiming at US Presidency? My cat is laughing. Of course in the light of an electorate that was foolish enough to elect a scoundrel as Obama as President twice is surely foolish enough to elect the nonentity, incapable, dangerous Hillary. Everything is possible according to Murphy's law.

"Since 1989, Moscow, the supposed aggressor, has -without fighting a losing war- peacefully ceded control over 180 million people, and roughly 700,000 square miles of valuable territory. The EU (and its military wing, NATO) have in the same period gained control of those people, and almost 400,000 of those square miles. Until a year ago, Ukraine remained non-aligned between two great European powers. But the EU wanted its land, its 48 million people (such a reservoir of cheap labour!) its Black Sea coast, its coal and its wheat. So first, it spent £300 million (mostly UK taxpayers' money) on anti-Russian 'civil society' groups in Ukraine. Then American, EU and NATO politicians broke all rules of diplomacy and descended on Kiev to take sides with demonstrators who demanded that Ukraine align itself with the EU. Doubt very much Russia would like to get itself lumbered with these poverty stricken countries again. In fact Putin wouldn't touch them with a barge pole."

Didomyk in reply to Abdelkader Hamdaoui

"In fact Putin wouldn't touch them with a barge pole."

In fact Putin has been very busy for two years using his heavy artillery, mortars and tanks to cause death of some 10,000 people and wholesale destruction of industrial and residential assets in Eastern Ukraine. He is proud of the results of what you called " getting Russia lumbered". Bodies of most Russians who had been 'lumbered' at the Donetsk frontline have been taken back to Russia to be buried in secrecy. Putin likes private burials.

Abdelkader Hamdaoui in reply to Didomyk

"Despite relentless American (Obama) and British (erstwhile prime minister Cameron and now Boris Johnson) outlandish volume of lies and massive propaganda, Volodya Putin approval ratings have gone way up among the people in Western Europe, worldwide and Russia. He has held back and stayed exemplary calm and collected and did not take the bait nor responded to the British government’s ongoing propaganda, illegal aggression and NATO and U.S. provocative troop deployment in Easter Europe and deliberate distorted accusations of Russia military involvement. British people and people particularly in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain are not gullible like Americans, they see things for what they are, whereas Americans see things for what they want them to be and believe what they are told by their state controlled media. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton playing silly buggers with Russia and not tackling the onslaught of Islamism are tantamount to criminal negligence and treason."


A Forbidden Question

“If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.” -Camille Paglia (b. 1947)

Even to question the consequences of American men having entitled women to vote via Amendment XIX puts the questioner at risk of severe derision. The truth, nevertheless, is that until the 20th-century, with rare exceptions, women had little direct say in affairs-of-state, let alone the vote. Swiss men didn’t entitle women to vote until 1971.

Here in the USA, one consequence already has been a “War Against Men”. See "Mangling Masculinity" under ...

“In the end of days ... women will rule men.” -Isaiah

American women now outnumber men at the balloting box. Men would put Mrs. Clinton into the jailhouse. Women will put her into the White House. Consequences? Risking nuclear war rather than having a problematic, aged Lothario as President.

Putin isn't necessarily fond of Mr. Trump. He hates Mrs. Clinton, however, holding her in contempt for good reason. Even so, succumbing to blind ideology, American women will put this wretch into the office just to have a female President. To Hell with reality!

When, God forbid, the shooting starts and the bombs start falling, will Mrs. Clinton’s misguided supporters, men and women, say, “What have we done?” Fat chance!

In the war between ideology and reality, ultimately reality always wins. Behavior does have its consequences.

Curate's Egg in reply to guest-olajmjj

"Putin isn't necessarily fond of Mr. Trump. He hates Mrs. Clinton, however, holding her in contempt for good reason."

So Americans should vote for Trump, instead of Clinton, because Putin likes Trump more than Clinton? How brave & manly of you...

guest-ajaoaawl in reply to guest-olajmjj

You wrote "Even to question the consequences of American men having entitled women to vote via Amendment XIX puts the questioner at risk of severe derision. "

For good reason. Consider yourself seriously derided.

So, you are seriously saying that Trump's fondness for Putin is because woman are allowed to vote.

Wow! Just wow.

guest-ajeelswa in reply to guest-olajmjj

Clinton has been doing the job for 30 years -she is bound to have made mistakes and being bad at housekeeping is not criminal in my mind-Trump has only proven to be incompetent in business and unfair to his staff and also has real criminal allegations made against for the nuclear button who would want a man like this on it-he can't even restrain himself on twitter -he has no restraint -time after time this seems to be part of his underlying character


Obsession (with Putin) is the only expression I can find to describe The Economist's infatuation with the Russian leader.
And with that comes the endless repetition of the same old, same old and very tired talking points, insinuations, allegations and accusations.
As if the demonisation of Mr. Putin would lead anywhere.
It doesn't, except in the tiny brains of the great unwashed simpletons this paper (and others in the mainstream media) is trying to convince.
That's pretty sad.

Kremilek2 in reply to mullah_assassin

The problem is that it is well-known today that Freud was wrong.
Of course, (elitists [Jewish]) owners of TE have no reason to support a guy who shows a sympathy for someone who claims to be a (devoted) Christian even though before he was a well-known atheist in KGB. I am not that sure if Trump believes in God.

Abdelkader Hamdaoui in reply to Palinka

"Volodya Putin approval ratings have gone way up among the people in Western Europe, worldwide and Russia. He has held back and stayed exemplary calm and collected and did not take the bait nor responded to American (Obama and Clinton) and British (Cameron and Boris Johnson) provocative propaganda, illegal aggression and NATO and U.S. provocative troops deployment in Easter Europe and deliberate distorted accusations of Russia military involvement. British people and people particularly in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain are not gullible like Americans, they see things for what they are, whereas Americans see things for what they want them to be and believe what they are told by their state controlled media."


This article needs to be printed in some sleazy rag paper, as the author noted this is a conspiracy theory based on a spin of the Clinton Foundation Supporters .. hopefully the Economist is free to say the truth and not a pay for play rag paper


Explain to us the "fondness" of the current crop of Western politicians?

Corporate sellouts, warmongers and hypocrites, closet imperialists, pretending to be all for human rights, but OK with siding with Jihadists in Syria, because of a deep butthurt towards Russia? The stuff of peace and stability?

Let me tell you one very big problem with you people, who occupy Westminster, the Pentagon, the White House and the mainstream media.

Continuing and championing a policy of aggression and confrontation towards the emerging world, especially Russia, China and Iran, is going to backfire. Let me repeat that. Its going to backfire.

Is it not problematic that Democrats and Neocons are "alarmed" at Trump seeking better ties with Russia? When seeking peace with an adversary becomes anathema to your dogma, I think you are a big part of the problem.

The mainstream group-think reminds me alot of 1984. The West has become too hung up on rigid ideology. I don't know, - something about "democracy" and how some baddies are getting in the way of the god given right to foment regime change at will?

4 Legs Good, 2 Legs bad.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

Seems quite the motto for what the establishment and mainstream media are trying to prep everyone for. My question is, - is all this conflict an unintended product of really dumb people at the helm, or is it constructed by a clique of very savvy psychopaths? I'm still leaning towards bungling incompetence and confusion, but there certainly is a case for intent, or more likely, cynically exploiting the created confusion for one's ends (which don't appear to be very 'clean'). Rinse and repeat? It sums up Western Middle East policy.

See, its not so bad that someone like Trump could possibly break this vicious cycle. Maybe worth a try?

Just imagine if the Pentagon and White House ACTUALLY put their lunacy aside, and cooperated with the Russian and Iranian intelligence sharing network to wipe out the Jihadists together and put the Saudis in place, where they belong. They will end the war in Syria together very quickly. Just imagine that.

Not possible with Hillary.


two brilliant friends

1. you can thank trump for politizing women, latino, islamic and ethnic voters. Great job rump at uniting your enemies against you and destroying your rotten brand.

2. you can thank putin for uniting islamic moderates, radicals and jihadists under one banner as they unify and counter attack all over syria ... then spread to the rest of europe. Great job sputin at uniting all islamist fighters against you ,,,, they will being coming home to roost

so putin and trump have much in common ... neither is as smart as they think they are ... even europe has begun troop build up along russian border which means putin will have to match ... and just recall how last soviet empire collapsed ... a rotten economy, over extended military and corrupt rotten leadership .... deja vu I suppose ....

ParksDept in reply to marco666

'2. you can thank putin for uniting islamic moderates, radicals and jihadists under one banner as they unify and counter attack all over syria ... then spread to the rest of europe. Great job sputin at uniting all islamist fighters against you ,,,, they will being coming home to roost'

Darn you Putin, before you intervened in Syria there was no terrorism!!!


is it me? or is this article badly written?
There is a hint of confusion even in the title, but the rest of the article i dont get much any betterer

or am expectating too much as a English personage?


Whats wrong with that? Trump and Putin are such great friends that Trump sold a US Uranium mine to Putin when he was in govt. ...wait a minute, that was probably not Trump!

TE and MSM are like energizer bunnies except the battery is from CFR and Bilderberger of global banks. After the masters switch it on, MSM just jump around shouting Putin...Putin....Trump...Putin....Putin...Trump...


"Mr Trump has countenanced the idea of easing the sanctions imposed after Russia’s""" illegal seizure of Crimea""" an annexation he has indicated he may recognise.

The Russians have been in Crimea for almost as long as the "English" have been in Southern Britain

In the mid-10th century, the eastern area of Crimea was conquered by Prince Sviatoslav I of Kiev and became part of the Kievan Rus' principality of Tmutarakan. In 988, Prince Vladimir I of Kiev also captured the Byzantine town of Chersonesos (presently part of Sevastopol) where he later converted to Christianity. An impressive Russian Orthodox cathedral marks the location of this historic event.

At the same time, the southern fringe of the peninsula was controlled by the Byzantine Empire as the Cherson theme.
Mongol invasion and later medieval period[edit]
Further information: Principality of Theodoro, Empire of Trebizond, Golden Horde, and Mongol invasion of Rus'
Genoese fortress of Caffa

Kievan hold on the Crimean interior was lost in the early 13th century due to the Mongol invasions. In the summer of 1238, Batu Khan devastated the Crimea and pacified Mordovia, reaching Kiev by 1240. The Crimean interior was under the control of the Turco-Mongol Golden Horde from 1239 to 1441. The name Crimea (via Italian, from TurkicQirim) originates as the name of the provincial capital of the Golden Horde, the city now known as Staryi Krym.

Sydney57 in reply to guest-nomjlee

Kievan Rus hold on the Crimean interior was lost in the early 13th century due to the Mongol invasions.

"the modern history of Crimea begins with the annexation by the Russian Empire in 1783" (wiki).

Where is Ukraine?


It could well be in your best interests to get along.

Little is known about “Satan II” beyond such government statements. Russian broadcaster Zvezda recently boasted the RS-28 was capable of “wiping out parts of the Earth the size of Texas or France.”


It is generally believed the ICBM will weigh about 100 tons with a range of about 10,000km.

It can reportedly carry a payload of between 4 to 10 tons. At 10 tons, it will be able to carry 10 heavy or 15 medium independently targeted thermonuclear warheads.

Each heavy warhead is believed capable of producing a 750 kiloton blast. The detonation that flattened Hiroshima was just 15 kilotons. There are reports of extremely large single warheads capable of up to 20,000 kilotons.

The purpose of an ICBM is to carry these weapons into a suborbital position above a target where they would separate and plunge down towards independently designated targets.

A prototype of the new ballistic missile — which is based on the same liquid-fuelled rocket engine technology as its predecessor — was completed late last year. However TASS reports testing has been delayed as the testing facility was recently shifted to the Plesetsk cosmodrome took longer than expected to complete.T

Zoltán Koskovics

Since there is again an abundance of people claiming that everything expressed here that they disagree with is the work of Putin's trolls, I thought I'd try and undermine them a bit.
There are Russian trolls working the social media. Mostly twitter, Instagram and YouTube. But to a lesser extent discussion boards too.
There are NSA and GCHQ trolls working the same ground. The Snowden revelations proved that beyond reasonable doubt, but one would have assumed that they were there even before Snowden. This is so well established that even Guardian wrote about it.
In fact the first troll army created to influence the public discourse through manipulating major internet social networks was during president Obama's first campaign. It was hailed as novel and highly effective.
Now, I have come to believe that an NSA/GCHQ tactic is to try to disrupt ANY discussion that goes down a direction they don't like is by spamming it with comments like "you're a Russian troll". I frankly suspect anybody that does this of being paid to do this.
However, as it turns out on a more detailed examination of what most (not all) of these people generally say - well they turn out genuine, if somewhat naive people with genuine, if somewhat naive opinions.
This simply is an NSA/GCHQ tactic that works as a viral meme.

And now it occurs to me that I just called quite a few people (whom in actual fact I quite respect although/because I disagree with them some or most of the time) idiots for, on rare occasions, calling someone a troll. You know who you are.
That really wasn't my intention. Clearly, I just called some people trolls myself.
Sometimes, you just do that. And rarely you will be right.
But not often. And that was one of my points.


The thing certain is that Trump with Putin can settle in Syria the disaster caused by Obama and Hillary with their idiotic support to the s.c. 'Arab Springs' through which North Africa and the whole Middle East was set in fire and plumped in rebellions. Of course should Hillary win the election the catastrophe in those regions will spread rapidly like wildfire everywhere and the WW 3 would sand by. Hillary's victory would mean Armageddon

Zoltán Koskovics

Trump sees China as the major emerging threat to American interests. Therefore he wants Russia to be at least neutral but better yet on America's side.
It's Nixon in reverse.

Nnaslla in reply to Zoltán Koskovics

That's potentially a valid point about Donald's rationale, only I'd argue an important difference here lies around how Nixon was a deviously astute and cunning statesman (i.e. I think he would be more then a match for Putin in a political ring) wherein everything we've seen from Trump seems to indicate that his lack of behavioral controls and complete inexperience as an elected official (at any level of government) would be an abject disaster when dealing with Russia.



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