Comments by happyfish18

The 18 years old bomber could well be like any of the 17,000 homeland Jihadists inspired and armed by Cameron to do the regime changing in Syria. In spite of his wishes to help, the trumpeter's loser railing directed at British police and intelligence is not helpful in the least for the victims of the bombing. In fact, what Theresa May needs to do right away is to instruct the British Intellingence services to replicate the successes of the support services by the White Helmets which they have created and funded in Syria to help victims of terror attack especially in the cases of attack by these sort of primitive chemical bombs.

Like Bannon, the trumpeter is a converted National socialist who stands up for the rights of poor and middle-class whites who have lost out massively to the neoliberal elites in their globalization agenda. But as the trumpeter will have to depend more and more on his more progressive republicans and his Jewish family circle for his political survival, the old reactionary right-wing dog will have to go.

I am not sure whether you know anything about the Greater Israel project that was carefully planned by your political master elites which had resulted in 5 years of Western interventionist disaster in Syria to remove Assad. The plan is to have the moderate Daesh bros and its Al Qaeda cohorts to control the Greater Israel region which is defined as the Levant all the way to Afghanistan and all of the Southern Caucasus. Of course, Putin and his Evil gang of Snakes will not put up with the neocon Zionist nonsense and have effectively killed off the neocon Zionists's Greater Israel dream. In fact, your elites have now blamed Putin for the deluge of war and Jihadist refugees into Europe.

In spite of the continuous Wahhabi Jihadist terrorist attacks on European cities, the European elites also continue to baffle the ordinary suffering folks by strongly sticking to their hubris "Your Jihadist terrorists are our Moderate brothers fighting for freedom and democracy" to keep up their geopolitical rhetoric for the neocon Zionist masters that Assad must go to make way for Daesh and Al Qaeda in the Greater Israel region.

The trumpeter is shown as a born racist neoFascist who can excites his nativist support base which of course, he loathes to denounce. Even though the trumpeter has been derided as clueless, he has shown better grasp of geopolitics that when he said there are other bigger US geopolitical killers like Brzezinski, Kissinger, the Bushes, Obama, McCain, Hillary etc. after the Media pointman accused Putin as a killer in the Syrian geopolitics. In fact, he knew the Carter dictum by heart that no administration will last very long if the President does not follow the wishes of the neocon Zionist cabal including members of his own family.

The Western NGOs like to berate Aung San and the Myammarese for their human rights abuses. But to the militants, the Brits were responsible for bringing in the Rohingyas from British India. In any case, the Rohingyas have been trying to find ways to find homes in the West and supported by various Ummah such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Gulf states etc. It will be a Win-Win for both Myammarese and the Rohingyas if Aung San and the West can work out an orderly repatriation for the Rohingyas.

Next trumpeter lier to go will be Sessions who is not living up to the loyalty tests, so that the neoFascist can get on to his more Presidential tasks like bringing back dirty air and Jobs, Trumpcare, Wall building, getting out of Putin's way in Syria etc. which he has so far failed to deliver as promised..



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