
George Williams

George Williams AO is one of Australia’s leading constitutional lawyers, having worked for many years as an academic and as a barrister. He is the Dean, the Anthony Mason Professor and a Scientia Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales.

A hung Parliament can produce instability and the possibility of flipping between governments.

What if no one wins the election

With polls showing the major parties running neck and neck, attention has turned to whether this weekend's election will produce a hung parliament. What would happen then has been the subject of confusion, in part because hung parliaments are rare at the national level. The last occurred in 2013, with the one before that in 1940.

George Williams dinkus

The crime where NSW lags way behind

The NSW Parliament's notice paper for next week's sittings of the Legislative Council foreshadows a debate to decriminalise abortion, as well as to counter measures by Fred Nile. It says a lot about the state of NSW law that these proposals will be debated, but it's unlikely that the law on abortion will change soon.

Academic George Williams will be appearing before  the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters on Tuesday.

Why the major parties can't ignore the Greens

There is an air of unreality about this debate. While Labor and the Liberals express their disdain for the Greens, their tone will change if Australians vote for a hung parliament and the Greens hold the keys to the Lodge.