Son of Guildford hit-and-run victim desperately tried to call mother's phone

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A yellow Ford Falcon involved in a fatal hit-and-run in Sydney's west on Sunday night may be driving around with damage to its driver-side front headlight, police say.

Grandmother Javaher Rahimi was killed on her regular evening walk in Guildford and was left lying on Hawksview Street with critical injuries.

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Son's grief over hit and run death

The son of a 66-year-old grandmother killed in a hit and run incident, broke down whilst being interviewed this morning.

Her son, Mohammad Rahimi, broke down in tears as he described the moment he tried to desperately to call his 66-year-old mother following the crash, only for a police officer to answer her mobile phone. 

"I tried to ring her phone, nobody answered," Mr Rahimi said on Monday morning.

"A third time when we ring, the police answered from Merrylands police station, and they came here and they said 'Unfortunately your mum has been passed away,' " he said, breaking down.

Police are now searching for the driver of a yellow Ford Falcon with distinctive black rims, which was last seen travelling west along Hawksview Street following the crash at 8.50pm on Sunday.


"We feel the driver would be aware that something has happened," said Inspector Naomi Lyall, manager of the Metropolitan Crash Investigation Unit. "He will have damage on his vehicle."

She urged the driver to come forward "rather than for us to find them". 

Mr Rahimi said his mother, who had 11 grandchildren, usually went for a walk every evening. When she did not return on Sunday night, he knew something was wrong.

Police believe Mrs Rahimi had been walking east along Hawksview Street immediately before the crash.

She had crossed over the east-bound lane when she was hit in the west-bound lane, near the intersection with Cecil Street.

A man who saw the crash called triple zero, and police and paramedics arrived a short time later.

Paramedics treated Mrs Rahimi at the scene before taking her to Westmead Hospital. She died a short time later from her injuries, police said.

Officers from the Metropolitan Crash Investigation Unit examined the crash scene overnight.

Police are appealing for anyone with information about the crash, or anyone who notices suspicious damage to a yellow Ford Falcon, to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.