Daily Life

Ten years on, three women tell how 'Eat Pray Love' inspired a life change

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It's been 10 years since Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir, Eat Pray Love, shot to the top of best-seller lists around the world. The book detailed Gilbert's decision to end her marriage and embark on a journey: to Italy (to eat), to India (to pray), and to Bali (where she ultimately finds love). 

According to the author's website, the book has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide and has been translated over than 30 languages. It's easy to see why it's struck such a chord says clinical psychologist Dr Lara Winten.

While the book follows Gilbert's travels, Winten says it's just as much about the author's "psychological journey" as she embraces concepts like self-compassion and acceptance and makes life choices based on values rather than fear of discomfort. As well, Gilbert isn't afraid of change. 

Since reading Gilbert's book, hordes of people have been inspired to follow in her footsteps. We spoke with three women who boarded the Eat Pray Love bandwagon, and never looked back.

Alyce Pilgrim, 29

Life coach, from Perth

"I read Eat Pray Love seven years ago, when I was in a relationship I'd outgrown, doing a job I didn't love. The book gave me lots of 'aha' moments. Elizabeth's story felt like a parallel to my own life; like how she'd lie awake at night and wonder if this is all there is. When she left her marriage [in the book], I thought, 'Oh, wow, so other people do go through this and it's all right to move forward.'


Even though I still cared about my boyfriend, I realised I needed a change. Leaving was tough, but it also felt like the start of a new chapter in my life.

The book helped me move on with my career, too. I had studied for a BA with a double major in PR and journalism at uni and then went to work in community relations for a big mining company. It was great on paper, but it didn't light me up.

I realised I was only going through the motions; that I no longer wanted what I was creating. In the book, Elizabeth had this conversation with a friend where she said something like, 'Things used to be amazing; I used to taste food, I used to really experience life.' And then she loses all of that because she's gotten into the rat race and was just existing rather than living. That's how I felt.

So I thought, 'This is it; you only get one life. Why not just go for it?' I'd gained qualifications in life-coaching but wasn't using them. The book gave me the push I needed to leave my job. 

I've been working for myself as a life coach ever since, making a living doing what I love. I've created a life where work and play blend. 

Reading the book also set the wheels in motion to embark on a journey of self-discovery. I started travelling, and really listening to the part of me that craved something more out of life. I started making more time for what was important to me, like seeing my friends and doing yoga.

I used to think, 'Life's meant to be hard work.' But after reading the book, I realised, 'You can do what you want and have adventures

While Perth is my home base, I now spend most of my life travelling. This year, I spent two months exploring and working in Europe. I'm very much a nomad, working from anywhere.

I'm also engaged to an incredible, caring, loving man who is the epitome of what I hoped for in a relationship. He came into my life during a time I was convinced I wasn't looking for anyone – just as Elizabeth found love in the book when she wasn't looking for it.

I used to think, 'Life's meant to be hard work.' But after reading the book, I realised, 'You can do what you want and have adventures and see the world.' Eat Pray Love inspired me to follow my passion, and now I coach others to find that clarity and confidence to live life on their terms."

Phoebe Maroulis, 41

Mother of three and part-time employee in marketing, from Dubbo, NSW

 Phoebe Maroulis in Ladakh, Northern India. 

"I've read Eat Pray Love three or four times. When I first read it, I was a newlywed and was deeply in love with my husband, and we'd just moved from Sydney to Bourke [in north-west NSW]. I had this idea of moving to New York one day and being this cutting-edge designer. So at that time, the Italy section stood out. That kind of fun, food, freedom … the idea of making up life as you went along. 

The next time I read it, the Bali part resonated with me. I've spoken to a lot of psychics and intuitives, and have done a lot of readings and meditation since, trying to get the tools to have the same insights Elizabeth had. 

I then reread the book about five years ago, when I was at the start of a period of self-reflection. I was quite angry because I thought, 'You know what? This really sucks. Elizabeth was able to escape and indulge herself in the trip.' Meanwhile, I had three young children and felt completely overwhelmed. 

But the more I read it, the more I became drawn to the India part, and the spirituality. I've loved India since I first went there as a teenager. The book helped me see that travel is the ultimate teacher: the richer the travel, the deeper the culture, then the faster the healing and the deeper the lessons. 

Eat Pray Love inspired me to go on a group trip to India last year. I experienced an incredible shift in my being and did my first journey to India as a tour guide in July this year. 

When I picked up Eat Pray Love again recently, I was able to get to that next layer. I was going through a really rocky period, having acute panic attacks and feeling very unsettled with my husband. The reality of what I'd given up in moving to Bourke and not pursuing my truth really hit me.

I recently did a nine-month online course, solely because Elizabeth was running a one-hour coaching session! She helped me realise that my anxiety and my relationship challenges are all connected to not allowing my 'soul truth' to speak. 

Last year, I went to San Francisco in the hope of meeting Elizabeth at a conference she was speaking at. When I saw 500 other women there, I realised how delusional I'd been for thinking I'd get to talk to her!

But I got the chance to chat briefly with her when we rode in the elevator together that night. I asked her whether she was getting what she wanted out of the conference, and she looked grateful to have the chance to take off her expert hat and just be normal. 

I now know that Eat Pray Love is a metaphor for life. It's more comfortable to live a standard life, but if you push through the fear, you find the magic to change the world. I want to write a novel based on my life journey but I have more growing to do, need more experiences in India, and need to do more readings of Eat Pray Love before my novel finds its place in the world."

Aisha Hillary-Morgan, 38

Founder of Hills & West lifestyle accessories, from Sydney


"When the film of Eat Pray Love came out, I saw it and went, 'God, wouldn't that be an awesome thing to do? I wish I had time to do that.' Then, 18 months ago, I picked up the book.

I'd had a professional career in a corporate role for 15 years and I was burning out. When you burn out, you lose your passion, just like in the book. The concept of going on a journey to discover what you're passionate about really appealed to me, so the book was my catalyst to travel and reprioritise. 

I started by doing Vipassana, the 10-day meditation course where you don't speak, to clear my mental 'fog'. Then, I trekked along the Annapurna [in Nepal's Himalayas] and spent days thinking. Seeing the people and the poverty and how happy they are made me reflect on my own life and how lucky I am. 

While I was away, I realised I love being creative. I kept thinking about a handbag course I did in Milan the year before. I thought, 'I could make that into a business.' At the end of my trek, my Sherpa introduced me to a woman who's part of the Rainbow Children's Home for orphans. I thought, 'I'm going to raise money for her.' I realised I could start a new business creating lifestyle accessories while raising money for charity and making room in my life to volunteer. 

I ended up travelling for almost six months. My husband couldn't come with me, but he gave me a little rule. He had to be the 'love' part of my Eat Pray Love experience, and he wanted to meet up with me every five weeks.

We've been together for 10 years but when he met me along the way, I got butterflies in my stomach. He loved my stories and my passion and said, 'Each time I see you becoming more you again.' 

Eat Pray Love helped me recalibrate my life. I sleep seven to eight hours a night now; I'm much more creative and productive. It's not like my life was bad before; I'm just so much happier now.