Your week in the stars...

Your week in the stars...

You feel on top of your game, but disapproval from some family members is dampening your spirits.


November 23 – December 22

This week in the stars...

This week in the stars...

You feel on top of your game, but disapproval from some family members is dampening your spirits. Ignore them. Forge ahead with your own plans – remember that it's your life and nobody else's.



December 23 – January 20

You are picking up a lot of psychic insights this week, and your intuition is strong too. Others may fi nd your levels of perception quite scary. Keep a look out for the many signs from the cosmos.


January 21 – February 19

You'd love to go out and party this week but finances curtail your leisure time. Look for inexpensive ways to have fun instead. Laughter and good times don't have to be expensive.


February 20 – March 20

You get good career news, but a sudden lack of confidence causes self-doubt. Stop second-guessing yourself. You can do whatever you set your mind to. Seek reassurance from a lover or your family.


March 21 – April 20

Set positive goals and move forward. It's important that you take concrete action now instead of daydreaming and making vague promises. Come up with a real action plan – others are relying on you.


April 21 – May 20

Your resourcefulness is admirable, but you may face criticism from friends and family. People don't understand your determination to make things work. Ignore the naysayers and continue on your own path. You're on your way up.


May 21 – June 21

Career issues may come between you and your partner, perhaps with work pressures adding to an already fractious relationship. This can be healed through frank conversations about what you each want from one another. Don't hold back.


June 22 – July 23

Temptation, temptation everywhere! Your eff orts to turn over a new leaf may be thwarted as your willpower wanes. Don't give up. Even if you don't start a new and healthy habit today, there's always tomorrow, and the day after that.


July 24 – August 23

Someone is not being truthful. A pleasant week could be marred by underhand behaviour or outright deception. Th e solution is to mind your own business, and to not pay attention to the plans and schemes of others.


August 24 – September 23

Family interference in your relationship or personal aff airs is not welcome and could prove burdensome. Team up with your partner to rebuff in-laws or siblings who try to come between you. It's nobody's business but yours.


September 24 – October 22

Get super-organised now by clearing out clutter. Rethink your schedule so you can fit more into your day. Th ere is a lot to be done and it could be exhausting, but your stamina is improving. Keep at it and the rewards will come.


October 23 – November 22

Good financial news is on the way, but an urge to spend recklessly or to gamble could undo all that positivity. Avoid making major financial decisions in haste. Insist upon more time, and seek expert advice before taking action.