

Photo: Chris Donovan
Student activists aren't just fighting climate change. They're fighting corporate university bureaucracy. | Nov 22 2016 | Emma Jackson | A generation of climate change student activists find they must navigate an increasingly corporate governance structure that relies on managerial buzzwords, stonewalling and secrecy.
Children in BLM TO-Freedom School
Teaching kids to resist the racist reality we are in and build the future | Nov 18 2016 | Maya Bhullar | LeRoi Newbold talks to Activist Toolkit about the first Toronto Freedom School
Image: Facebook/
York school board owes parents a real explanation for principal's Islamophobic Facebook posts | Nov 14 2016 | Shenaz Kermalli | If a principal who posts seemingly xenophobic videos and comments on her Facebook page isn't guilty of professional misconduct, who is?
B.C. teachers' victory brings to mind 14 years of losses for kids | Nov 12 2016 | Lizanne Foster | Christy Clark said she was excited about the Supreme Court decision, but she was Minister of Education when the problems started.
Fired School Board Trustees allege defamation (Don Marce/CBC News)
Patti Bacchus on the firing of the Vancouver School Board | Nov 8 2016 | Redeye Collective | Patti Bacchus had been a Vancouver School Trustee for eight years when B.C.’s Education Minister fired her and the rest of the Board on October 17. Patti Bacchus tells the story of what happened.
John L. Climenhaga
Thinking about my dad on the 100th anniversary of his birth and Canada’s need for public post-secondary education | Nov 7 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Throughout his teaching career the author’s father, John L. Climenhaga, advocated strongly for the value of publicly supported post-secondary education.
Image: The Canadian Federation of Students
Students across Canada call for free education on the National Day of Action | Nov 4 2016 | Brent Patterson | The Canadian Federation of Students held a National Day of Action Wednesday to call for universal access to public, post-secondary education in Canada.
David Eggen
In the debate over home schooling and 'parents' rights,' we need to remember children have rights too | Nov 4 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Perhaps it is time in the interests of society to bring all home schooling in Canada directly under the supervision of a public school board.
Image: Flickr/dvs
Canadian post-secondary students literally going hungry for an education | Nov 3 2016 | Adam van der Zwan | A new report reveals that out of over 4,000 students surveyed from five universities across Canada, a surprising 39 per cent are food insecure.
Mump & Smoot
Clown costumes verboten today in Fort Mac schools … but costumed mimes can walk our streets! | Oct 31 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Seriously, dear readers, if you're driving tonight, slow down, keep your eyes peeled and your hands off your mobile device.
Canadian foreign policy and the institutions studying it remain intimately tied | Oct 25 2016 | Yves Engler | What do we make of a Canadian foreign policy discussion dominated by individuals with ties to the decision-making structures they study?
Photo: Wayne MacPhail/flickr
What are Canadian values anyway? | Oct 21 2016 | Rick Salutin | Values are slight and transient. You can't really pursue them. They're more like happiness or love: they tend to be by-products or end results of other experiences.

on babble

Should the advertizing of sexual services be better regulated? Struggling said... Another possibility would be for a quarter of a page being devoted to that, the other quarter to...
'Tuition fees are socially unjust' NorthReport said... Of course they are, but our so-called progressive politicial parties are just floundering in a sea...
Visions of centralization, social programs and the fiscal imbalance Sean in Ottawa said... The Conservative position avoids the contradictions present in the Canadian federation by reducing...
Moving to Winnipeg Webgear said... Stay in Edmonton. in
Aboriginal education bill epaulo13 said... ..i begin here to show the atleo position. Bill C-33, the First Nations Control of First Nations...
Early Childhood Education Issues In Manitoba Aristotleded24 said... Cue the Barenaked Ladies: If I had 5.5 Million Dollars... Quote:The Manitoba budget will include $5...
Chicago: Northwestern University football players seek to unionize Catchfire said... This is definitely a cool story. NCAA had a predictable response:  This union-backed attempt...
Why the timing is good for parties from the left in Canada socialdemocraticmiddle said... Exactly. The Conservative economic record is NOT good, and we need an alternative. Moreover, if the...
The latest drama in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) Catchfire said... My own thoughts are conflicted, but I find myself siding with the pro-CFS folk in this particular...
Labour market, University and politics-- interesting, incomplete argument from Andrew Jackson JKR said... Paul Krugman just wrote about this topic: Paul Krugman: How do we maintain a middle class? Quote:...

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Hospital Employees' Union
Public education big winner supreme court decision
The Supreme Court has ruled that the B.C. government violated the constitutional right of teachers to negotiate class size and composition.

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