WA News

Christmas Day forecast uncertain as weather systems play havoc with predictions

Forecasters are having a hard time predicting the weather for Christmas Day in Perth this year.

The Bureau of Meteorology said its projections were being thrown into disarray by various weather systems in the north of the state, which are proving difficult to analyse.

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2017 weather outlook

The Bureau of Meteorology release their climate and water outlook for the first quarter of 2017.

BoM forecaster Max Strack said the bureau was unsure how the systems would impact Perth and the rest of the state in the days leading up to December 25.

"There is quite a bit of uncertainty at the moment," she said.

"The weather systems in the north are giving us a divergence of information in terms of how they are going to impact on Christmas Day."


Traditionally, forecasters are reluctant to predict the weather more than seven days in advance.

Currently they have officially forecast as far as Christmas Eve, which is likely to have a top of 32 degrees.

"But even that is based on divergent readings," Ms Strack said.

Perth will start next week with cooler temperatures before some seriously-hot weather hits.

Wednesday is predicted to hit us hardest, with a sweltering top of 39.

Perth 7-day forecast:

Sunday: 16, 25 - sunny
Monday: 13, 28 - sunny
Tuesday: 15, 34 - sunny
Wednesday: 20, 39 - very hot and sunny
Thursday: 22, 34 - mostly sunny
Friday: 18, 32 - sunny
Christmas Eve: 32 

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