WA News

Real-life Mr and Mrs Claus welcome the public into their home

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas now that a Meadow Springs couple have opened the doors to their famous festive house to the public.

Every year, Mary Kartesz-Wardroper, with the help of husband Alan Wardroper, spend more than two months transforming their home into a child's Christmas dream.

The one-of-a-kind house is free for all to enter, with the couple asking only for a donation to the K9 Rescue foundation, a non-profit organisation that rescue, care and re-home dogs from the Peel region to Cockburn.

The house has a sack-full of features, from traditional red and gold colours, upside-down trees, and school themes decorated with pencils, paperclips and a "leave a note" station for kids to write their Christmas wishes for Santa.

Upon entry to the home, guests are greeted by Mr Wardroper and their adopted rescue dog, before being directed to the gardens and interior.

Countless amounts of trees, decorations and sparkling lights engulf each room, including the toilets.

Inside the kitchen, Ms Kartesz-Wardroper greets visitors like a real-life Mrs Claus, and offers tasty treats for kids.

If you want to see Perth's most decked-out Christmas house, it's at 8 Meadow Springs Drive and open every night until mid-January from 7.30pm-10pm.