Showing posts with label Chuck Lorre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuck Lorre. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chuck Lorre's Sanity Card

What can it all mean? Oh, that's what it means.

Heard of Pat Metheny. Never heard Pat Metheny. Wouldn't miss Chuck Lorre's 'The Big Bang Theory' on a Monday night for the world.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Chuck Lorre's Unity Card

Chuck Lorre's vanity card at the end of tonight's episode of 'The Big Bang Theory' - which happens to be the best comedy on mainstream American TV at the moment (I took a poll of Kara and myself.) - was the three simple but effective words, 'United we stand'.

According to the stats for his website, this previous vanity card has the most views/hits for this month. (It dates from the time he was working on 'Dharma & Greg'.)

Going by the numbers of the vanity cards listed, that must mean that the most popular dates from quite a while back. Maybe as far back as three or four years ago?

That Chuck Lorre is one smart cookie.