Wiktionary Edit History

Monday February 29, 2016 Wikibooks / Wiktionary / Wikinews / Wikivoyage / Wikipedia / Wikiquote / Wikisource / Wikiversity / Other projects

Edit history charts for top 50 Wiktionaries

See also Edit history for all 104 Wiktionaries (5.2 MB!) / Edit and revert counts for all Wiktionaries

Projects indexed by language / language code / edit countToggle index
All languages, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Breton, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Ido, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Kurdish, Laotian, Limburgish, Lithuanian, Malagasy, Mongolian, Norwegian, Occitan, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sicilian, Simple English, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Walloon

Only article edits (namespace 0) are reported here, not edits on talk/project/media pages, etc 


More edit and revert trends on English Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on French Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on German Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Polish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Russian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Ido Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Finnish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Hungarian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Dutch Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Greek Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Portuguese Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Korean Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Telugu Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Swedish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Italian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Spanish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Turkish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Vietnamese Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Norwegian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Kannada Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Lithuanian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Chinese Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Tamil Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Japanese Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Czech Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Limburgish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Kurdish Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Arabic Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Armenian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Galician Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Indonesian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Malagasy Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Romanian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Mongolian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Simple English Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Catalan Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Laotian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Estonian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Breton Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Azeri Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Thai Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Walloon Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Hebrew Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Occitan Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Sicilian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Ukrainian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Persian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Croatian Wiktionary  

More edit and revert trends on Danish Wiktionary

Wiktionaries are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Sunday March 27, 2016 17:21 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Monday February 29, 2016

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### = wikimedia.org)
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

Charts rendered with R

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.