Wikiversity Report Card: summaries for 15 languages

Language index by language name / language code
Toggle index
Beta, Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish
WMF Projects: Wikipedia , Wiktionary , Wikibooks , Wikinews , Wikivoyage ,
                                Wikiquote , Wikisource , Wikiversity , Other projects

See definitions below.


All languages Wikiversity

 All languages Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 4,112,112 -- --

Article Count 93,137 +13% +1%

New Articles per Day 37 --     --    

Edits per Month 21,587 +132% +54%

Active Editors 182 +28% -31%

Very Active Editors 20 +122% -17%

New Editors 44 +83% -64%


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


Page views: 4.1 million per month = 137 thousand per day = 5.7 thousand per hour = 95 per minute = 1.6 per second
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc
View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects

Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


English Wikiversity

 English Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 1,237,755 -- --

Article Count 32,072 +13% +1%

New Articles per Day 8 --     --    

Edits per Month 9,747 +234% +37%

Active Editors 76 +117% -47%

Very Active Editors 6 +50% -54%

New Editors 20 +900% -72%

Speakers 1,500,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.1 --     --    




Page views: 1.2 million per month = 41 thousand per day = 1.7 thousand per hour = 29 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


French Wikiversity

 French Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 1,048,989 -- --

Article Count 12,698 +13% +1%

New Articles per Day 4 --     --    

Edits per Month 6,361 +202% +142%

Active Editors 32 +113% +45%

Very Active Editors 7 +250% +17%

New Editors 9 +350% +29%

Speakers 200,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.2 --     --    




Page views: 1.0 million per month = 35 thousand per day = 1.5 thousand per hour = 24 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Spanish Wikiversity

 Spanish Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 390,073 -- --

Article Count 2,177 +17% +2%

New Articles per Day 1 --     --    

Edits per Month 779 -58% +38%

Active Editors 7 -75% +250%

Very Active Editors 1 -50% +0%

New Editors 2 -33% --    

Speakers 500,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.0 --     --    




Page views: 390 thousand per month = 13 thousand per day = 542 per hour = 9 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


German Wikiversity

 German Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 275,512 -- --

Article Count 23,038 +18% +3%

New Articles per Day 20 --     --    

Edits per Month 1,482 +204% +19%

Active Editors 5 -17% -38%

Very Active Editors 2 +100% +0%

New Editors 0 --     -100%

Speakers 185,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.0 --     --    




Page views: 276 thousand per month = 9.2 thousand per day = 383 per hour = 6 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Italian Wikiversity

 Italian Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 366,552 -- --

Article Count 2,560 +14% +2%

New Articles per Day 2 --     --    

Edits per Month 1,243 +682% +498%

Active Editors 5 +0% +0%

Very Active Editors 4 --     --    

New Editors 1 -67% --    

Speakers 70,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.1 --     --    




Page views: 367 thousand per month = 12 thousand per day = 509 per hour = 8 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Russian Wikiversity

 Russian Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 400,689 -- --

Article Count 6,000 +1% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 138 -48% +27%

Active Editors 5 +0% +150%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 1 +0% +0%

Speakers 278,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.0 --     --    




Page views: 401 thousand per month = 13 thousand per day = 557 per hour = 9 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Portuguese Wikiversity

 Portuguese Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 143,479 -- --

Article Count 3,526 +15% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 201 -7% -80%

Active Editors 6 -25% -86%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 1 -75% -96%

Speakers 290,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.0 --     --    




Page views: 143 thousand per month = 4.8 thousand per day = 199 per hour = 3 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Czech Wikiversity

 Czech Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 41,005 -- --

Article Count 4,477 +9% +1%

New Articles per Day 1 --     --    

Edits per Month 520 +31% +131%

Active Editors 19 +90% +73%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 1 --     --    

Speakers 12,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 2 --     --    




Page views: 41 thousand per month = 1.4 thousand per day = 57 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Beta Wikiversity

 Beta Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 81,332 -- --

Article Count 2,817 +15% +1%

New Articles per Day 1 --     --    

Edits per Month 433 +15% +13%

Active Editors 9 +80% +50%

Very Active Editors 0 --     -100%

New Editors 2 --     --    

Speakers ? --     --    




Page views: 81 thousand per month = 2.7 thousand per day = 113 per hour = 1.9 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Greek Wikiversity

 Greek Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 61,119 -- --

Article Count 532 +1% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 30 +400% +650%

Active Editors 1 --     --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 1 --     --    

Speakers 15,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.1 --     --    




Page views: 61 thousand per month = 2.0 thousand per day = 85 per hour = 1.4 per minute
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Swedish Wikiversity

 Swedish Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 23,780 -- --

Article Count 771 +12% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 138 -36% +411%

Active Editors 2 -80% --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 -100% --    

Speakers 10,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.2 --     --    




Page views: 24 thousand per month = 793 per day = 33 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Finnish Wikiversity

 Finnish Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 11,170 -- --

Article Count 1,488 +13% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 78 -16% -73%

Active Editors 3 -40% -77%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 -100% -100%

Speakers 6,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.5 --     --    




Page views: 11 thousand per month = 372 per day = 16 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Slovene Wikiversity

 Slovene Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 17,695 -- --

Article Count 981 +7% +1%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 437 +106% +72%

Active Editors 16 +60% +60%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 6 +100% -14%

Speakers 2,400,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 7 --     --    




Page views: 18 thousand per month = 590 per day = 25 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


All languages Wikiversity

 All languages Wikiversity at a glance January 2016  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 4,112,112 -- --

Article Count 93,137 +13% +1%

New Articles per Day 37 --     --    

Edits per Month 21,587 +132% +54%

Active Editors 182 +28% -31%

Very Active Editors 20 +122% -17%

New Editors 44 +83% -64%


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


Page views: 4.1 million per month = 137 thousand per day = 5.7 thousand per hour = 95 per minute = 1.6 per second
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc
View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects

Sources / Wikipedia / Published 17 February 2016
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.



Metrics are about proper articles only (aka 'real' content or namespace 0 pages), not discussion/help/project pages, etc.

Page Views 1
Article Count 1
An article is defined as any 'real' content page which contains at least one link to any other page
New Articles per Day
Edits per Month
Edits per Month
Active Editors
Registered (and signed in) users who made 5 or more edits in a month
Very Active Editors
Registered (and signed in) users who made 100 or more edits in a month
New Editors
Registered (and signed in) users who completed their all time 10th edit in this month
Speakers 1
Includes secondary language speakers. Data are from the English Wikipedia page for each language.
Editors per Million Speakers 1
aka Participation Rate.
1 For language/project comparisons see also Wikiversity sitemap and new WMF Report Card (beta).