About Phil Baker

Thank you for taking time to stop by my website. I’m a passionate blogger, sharing my opinion on recent political issues and rallying support to help my favorite candidates make it into office during the next election. As you browse my website, you can expect to find several different things. First, you will likely see a lot of news and current events relating to politics. I’m constantly glued to Fox News and CNN as well as surfing alternative media websites. I’ll share the best articles I find here so you can stay informed on what is happening the world today. Second, I’ll be sharing a lot of personal opinions here. While we might not always see eye to eye on political matters, I hope this website will become a place where we can respectfully dialogue and learn from each other. Third, I’ll be sharing some personal stories about my daily life. So join me as we start talking about today’s biggest political news.

Politics Are Nothing More Than A Dirty Game

Politics are a dirty game. Politics are the embodiment of the evil fall on humanity. Inside the political spectrum, everything that is evil in human beings that can be seen. If you pay attention long enough, you will observe sickening atrocities.

The first observation will most definitely be the pride and haughty spirit that comes with power and authority. I believe even the best of people in this position portray it. After you start to realize the prideful person, it is not too long before you start see the lying. Usually the politician seeks to please the financial authority. Along with the lies, they are also accusing innocent people of things that they had no part of, bearing false witness.

Next, the politicians and their allies will attempt to sow discord between the people, because a house divided can never stand. The whole time these other things are occurring, the power that be, are devising evil plots to usually for financial gain. After all, the lust for money is the root of all evil. When all of these terrible things are happening, the politicians appear as if they are constantly running towards mischief, and not away. Unfortunately, if these are career politicians, and have made an entire life of this behavior, at some point there will be bloodshed. It is almost guaranteed someone will be murdered at some point.

These acts are abominable, just evil. If you go through and carefully count these you will see the number you come up with is seven. Yes, “seven deadly sins”. Despite what people think or say, sin is sin. There is no sin more deadly than any other. They all have the same penalty. As you can derive in the above paragraphs, “politics is a dirty game”.

Politics May Be More Deeply Engrained in Your System Than You Think

Just when you think life can’t possibly get any weirder, it does. It turns out that one study that was conducted by a team of well-respected researches that people have a scent that serves as an unconscious signal to members of all political parties. Based on this political scent, people you encounter during the course of the day make snap decisions about how they feel about you and the way you view the world. Weird, right?

The study was conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University. If you’re worried that people will sniff you and know exactly how you filled out your ballot, you can relax. It turns out that the smell isn’t strong enough to broadcast the specifics of your political affiliations, it’s just strong enough that the researchers who conducted the study feel it explains how people somehow manage to pair off with others who share their political viewpoints. Considering how heated political debates, it’s probably a good thing that nature came up with a way to keep the arguments minimal.

Another interesting thing research has turned up is that we might not have as much control over who we vote for as we might think. There is some pretty strong evidence that our personal political views are actually coded into our DNA. Many researchers can look at a brain scan and determine what side of the political fence a patient is standing on. Individuals who favor conservative values tend to have a highly developed disgust reaction. Brain scans also noticed a difference in the amygdala, the portion of the brain that helps human’s process risk.

Even as researchers continue to study the link between brain and political value, politicians are looking for ways the information can be used to sway public opinion.

Politics And Donald Trump

It seems that every major news outlet is focusing on the news of Donald Trump. Ever since he announced his bid for the White House, news agencies the world over have been trying to slander his name and make him look bad. They have done everything in their power. The truth is that they have tried to do what they always do. Usually all they have to do is smear the individual, shame them, call them to repent, and then demand they leave the race. That has not worked with Donald. It all started about 1 month ago when Trump mentioned in a speech that illegal immigration is a serious problem in America. He mentioned that many of the immigrants that re coming here are law abiding but some are rapists and murderers. He was then labeled as a racist and a Latino hater. The politics of controlled speech were in play here.

Then he was slammed for making fun of Lindsey Graham and John McCain. He was then labeled as a guy that hated war veterans. The truth of the matter is that Donald Trump is not in politics for the money or for the power. He has both. He is a billionaire that speaks his mind and that is refreshing. That is why he is gaining traction and that is why he will most likely win the Republican primary. I would have to say that the politics in play here are going to be turned on their ear. Trump is unlike any leader we have seen. He is his own man and he walks to his own beat. He will be a juggernaut to beat for sure. Politics will forever be changed by this one man.

Talking to Kids about Politics

There are many things that I do not like discussing with my children. There are the obvious ones that you can probably guess, but then there are also topics like politics. It is not that I don’t want my kids to be involved in politics, but I don’t want them to have the same opinions as me on political issues. Certainly, I would hope that they would want to become educated about local and national politics, but I want them to do their research and make up their own minds about how they feel on such a topic.

When they were younger, I never really paid attention to what I said about politics when my kids were around, but now that they are old enough to really understand, I make sure to watch what I say. They have all been through political science classes in school, so I think they have a few of the tools they need to make a good decision once they are old enough to vote. Another thing that I hope they are learning in their classes and I plan to teach them if they are not is that once you vote, you are not done with your civic duty.

There are many other ways to be involved in politics besides voting. Many people work hard to pass bills that affect them in personal ways. This is a great way to learn how government works and get involved in the process. Another thing that I hope they learn about politics is that their appointed officials are supposed to be working for them. I hope that they understand that if they have an issue it is a good idea to do what you can to contact your government officials to let them know how you feel about an issue.

The Pitfalls Of Politics

When I was a young kid I was told all about the American Revolution and how the early settlers fought hard for our freedom and for our rights. It makes me sick to think that today we have millions of people that have no knowledge of those battles and those hardships that were handled for our freedom. It also makes me sick to think of the numerous politicians that are making a mockery of the political system. I know that the early founders set up our government to be a republic and that they encouraged debate. However the 2 party system is killing our nation. Politics as we know it is a dead animal. We have 2 major political parties that are constantly bickering and bemoaning with each other. They hate the other and the other never has any good ideas. They are always wrong and they always desire to kill old people, poison the drinking water, and pollute the air. Politics is a serious pitfall that the founders knew could be a problem in the future.

This is why I hate the world of politics. Both parties are the same. Sure they have some minor differences and there are a few individuals that have stark differences. However by and large the parties are both the same. The both like big government and they like the government being in control. The real issues are the controller of that government. Each party desires the power and that is where the political winds shift. I would love to see a system where there are legitimate parties other than the democrats and the republicans. They have been around too long and they need some challengers to the hierarchy. I would have to say that the current state of politics in this nation is sorry. They get nothing done of substance and they are spending us into oblivion.

Survivalists Tools For a Country in Turmoil

The world as we know it is a dangerous place. The main reason that we have the issues that we do is because we have social engineering politicians that think they can make a utopian society through rules and regulations. The reality is that we need some law and order but by and large, the less government the better. This does not make me a right-winger or a left-winger; it simply makes me a realist. So with the understood notion that we are in danger then it only stands to reason that we need to be prepared in the event of a disaster. So I have a stockpile of some very important survivalists tools and I wanted to take a few moments and share them with you.

My absolute, all time favorite survivalist tools are knives. I love knives. Some people will lean more towards guns but I have always like knives a little more. The main reason for this is that it is easier to carry a knife versus a gun and there are more ways to use a knife. A gun will simply fire a bullet and then it is over. A knife however will do much more. A knife can be used to stab an enemy, that much we know. But a knife can also be used to cut things such as string or rope. A knife can be used to skin animals. A knife can be used to start fires. A knife can be used to remove or install screws. A knife can be used to pry and it can be used to open. I love knives and I think you need to consider them as one of your favorite survivalist tools as well.

I also like hatchets as survivalist tools. The hatchet can be used in similar ways as a knife but it has a few advantages. The hatchet can be used to cut down trees to help make a shelter. The hatchet can also be used as a hammer since it has a blunt end on the opposite side of the shard blade. The hatchet is always a tool that I keep close by when I am camping. But it doesn’t stop there. I have one other survivalist tool that I need to share with you.

Perhaps the most overlooked of the survivalist tools is the fire starter. It seems that whenever this tool is shown on the television it is never working but that is only because the people are using it poorly. A good fire starter can be the difference between life and death and I would suggest that you learn how to use it quickly.

Reasons Why You Should Never Discuss Politics At Church

Just because you go to church with folks doesn’t mean that they have the same political beliefs as you. You may think that because you have the same religious beliefs that your political beliefs will match up as well but you might be wrong in that assumption. It’s best not to discuss your political beliefs at church because you may find that you have a mess on your hands before you even get started.

If you have friends at church it is likely that you already know their political beliefs but if you have acquaintances that you want to get to know better, it is best to keep your political beliefs to yourself at least until you become better friends. Once you become better friends it’s ok to talk about politics but I would suggest that you do that in the comfort of your own home or your friend’s home instead of talking about it at church.

You may find that even you and your pastor have different opinions when it comes to politics and it is my guess that you don’t want to get into a battle with your pastor over something so trivial. After all, God is in control and no matter what happens in the political world, He is going to take control and keep control of your life and everyone around you.

If you just can’t keep your mouth quite, then you may want to ask your church friends over for a “debate” at your house just for fun. You may find that you do all have the same opinions when it comes to politics and you can sit around and talk about how the other side is wrong.

Politics at Church Can Be Civil

Talking politics typically gets folks in an uproar. Most of the times at church folks try to avoid talking politics. I say that church is one of the best places to discuss politics because you are among fellow believers. I also believe that if you are a Christian and you stand for what God stands for it is likely that your political beliefs will be similar. By talking politics at church you can quickly find out who actually follows the word of God and who kind of just walks the line on the fence.

There is no need to get into an argument with those fence sitters by discussing politics at church. Why not take it as a time to discuss religion a bit deeper and find out just what it is that makes your church friend believe the way they do about politics. You may find that you are able to witness to your church going friend and teach him or her a thing or two about following God. Don’t turn it into an argument but talk in a loving and gentle manner to your friend about politics and it is likely that you and they may grow closer together in your friendship. Never be afraid to discuss politics at church because God would not want us to live in a spirit of fear.

Politics at church can be civil and they should be. Sometimes pastors will avoid the topic all together when it comes to preaching because they don’t want to offend anyone in the congregation. If you have a pastor like that, it is best for you to find another church to attend.

How To Avoid Discussing Politics

Politics these days can be quite the topic. Everyone has different opinions about it, typically strong opinions and sometimes even the best of friends can differ totally on their thoughts and beliefs when it comes to politics. I always say that it is best not to discuss politics if you want to stay close with your friends. Even family members can have differing opinions from you when it comes to politics so many times it is best to just avoid the subject all together. I know I have one aunt who voted for the current president so she and I don’t ever go there! I love her too much to tell her how wrong she is for voting him in.

One way that you can avoid discussing politics the next time someone brings up the conversation is to simply remove yourself from the area. You don’t have to stand there and listen and take part in the conversation if you don’t want to. If you want to make your thoughts known but don’t want to find out what others think about what you have to say, you can say it and then leave. I find that to be a great way to get the last word in without making anyone mad. You can make up a reason why you have to leave quickly and that way no one will be offended by your abrupt action.

Another way to avoid discussing politics is to let your friends and families know up front that you don’t like talking politics and that if they do it to please do it when you are not around. This way you are sure to avoid any conflict that may arise as a result of discussing politics.

Civil Liberty And The Second Amendment

The second Amendment to the United States Constitution is known for being a lightening rod of criticism. This particular amendment states that every United States citizen has the right to own a firearm. This particular amendment was placed in the constitution for the sole purpose of allowing the citizenry to not only defend itself and/or hunt, but it was also placed there as a safeguard against tyrannical government. In the eyes of the founding fathers the government that they were escaping was oppressive and brutal. They wanted to make sure that the people of the new country would be able to stop a government that was out of control. This is the framework for the second amendment and this is the argument that seems to draw the most criticism. The reason this amendment has become so controversial is because of the rash of public shootings. From massacres in Columbine, Newtown, and the recent Navy Yard Shooting, the media and many of their supporters are saying that access to guns needs to be lower.

However statistics are a funny thing. While people are entitled to their own statistics they are not entitled to their own facts. Facts seem to dictate that the majority of violent crimes committed in the United States are not done so with a fire arm. Instead, the most violent weapon in the United States is a hammer. Further, it has been argued by many that greater access to guns would deter criminals from committing these horrible acts of mass violence. If the public was armed to the teeth, what chance would an armed shooter have?