Three men attempt robberies in Kingsford 'armed with axes and hammers'

Police are investigating an armed robbery and attempted robbery in Kingsford on Sunday morning by three men allegedly armed with axes and hammers. 

The three men, wearing dark clothing and face masks, allegedly forced their way into the Regent Hotel on Anzac Parade at Kingsford using axes shortly before 5am. 

The men were confronted by a security guard but forced their way inside, shattering holes in the glass doors of the hotel. 

However, the three men found the cash registers and the safe had already been emptied by staff, according to police. 

A male patron of the hotel was allegedly struck on the head with an axe, but did not require treatment for injury. 

Police believe the trio then fled from the hotel in a stolen red VW Golf GTI with NSW registration of BHB 37L, and travelled to a service station in Frenchmans Road at Randwick. 


The men allegedly struck the employee with a hammer and forced him to open the cash register, allegedly stealing cash and cigarettes before fleeing in the same VW. 

Police responded to both incidents and have established crime scenes which will be examined by forensic experts. 

Anyone who witnessed either incident or with information about the vehicle have been urged to contact local police or Crime Stoppers. 

Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000