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Latest in Slovenian Radio

SBS is set to conduct public consultation on the criteria proposed for its Radio Services Review. Starting on 14th November and running through December the 11th,...
Ana Ros is a Slovenian chef who runs a restaurant Hisa Franko with her husband Valter Kramar in Kobarid, Slovenia. Her appearance in Netflix's series Chef's Table...
Slovenian government is giving away 700.000 EUR to Slovenian communities/organisations, living and working abroad.

Ana Ros - Chef's Table star

Ana Ros is a Slovenian chef who runs a restaurant Hisa Franko with her husband Valter Kramar in Kobarid, Slovenia. Her appearance in Netflix's series Chef's Table...

Gospa, ki je zivela v cevlju

This is a story of a lady that lived in a shoe.
SBS Radio Services Review

SBS Radio is conducting a public consultation on the criteria it is proposing for the SBS Radio Services Review.

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