

Refugee's story gives us all hope

He is pale, slender, gentle and humble. In the act of meeting, he leans away, as if to better accommodate the weight of the contact but there is warmth in his smile. He's a Syrian refugee, 30 months ago he didn't speak English and he has just become dux of Catholic Regional College Sydenham with a VCE score of 96.65.

Saad Al-Kassab grew up in the Syrian city of Homs where his boyhood enthusiasm was the Scout movement. His mother was a chemical engineer with a passion for education. His father had spent 11 years in prison from the ages of 16 to 27 for political activities. During that period, he was tortured and his parents didn't know if he was alive or dead. When a prison doctor took pity on him and asked if he could help, Saad's father requested an English-Arabic dictionary. Teaching himself English became his means of escaping the world of torment in which he was incarcerated.

When the civil war began in 2011, schools became places of strategic importance for refugees and the Syrian army. To discourage students attending Saad's school, an army sniper was positioned opposite it. Saad has seen people shot by snipers, he has seen them ripped apart by mortars. Saad's school had a dog, a husky called Rosa. The sniper shot the dog. Saad saw that, too.

The school closed, becoming an army base for the siege of Homs, and Saad's mother took over his education. But the Scouts, which Saad equates with community service, continued running UNICEF and Red Cross food parcels to refugees. For this, says Saad, their Scout leader and his two brothers were murdered. Then his brother Omar, two years his senior, went in a demonstration calling for democracy. He was shot, arrested and tortured but later released.

The Al-Kassabs had previously moved from suburb to suburb within Homs as the conflict heightened. They now decided to flee to Lebanon, a fraught journey which normally takes 90 minutes but now took 13 hours. From there, they emigrated to Egypt. They were at risk of deportation from that country when a relative in Australia obtained visas for them here. The family arrived in June 2014. Saad understood nothing anyone was saying. He smiles at an Australian phrase that eluded him – "Uknow?" for "Do you know?"

After three months, Saad and his brother Omar joined a Scouts group in Watsonia. It was at a Scout event that Brendan Watson, the Chief Commissioner of Scouts for Victoria and the principal of Catholic Regional College Sydenham, heard their story. Saad, by this time, had sought entry into Lalor Regional College, gone to Lalor North Regional College by mistake, been accepted and flourished. Watson offered him part-time work as a gardener and, a few months later, a scholarship.

Saad studied in his lunch hours. He read Kate Grenville's The Lieutenant, he read an English translation of Euripides . A Muslim, he attended Catholic Mass every time it was held at the school. He is "fascinated" by people's different belief systems, finding they have much in common. He excelled at mathematics and, when he went to sit his VCE exams, he took with him the English-Arabic dictionary that kept his father sane when he was trapped in the Syrian regime's torture chamber.

Saad Al-Kassab says he grew up taking safety for granted, then hell broke loose. He is a young man with an enormous burden of consciousness and his gratitude to Australia is real. In Syria, he saw many people wounded by sniper fire and shrapnel bleed to death and die for lack of medical assistance. He wants to be a doctor and work for the health of the human race.