David Marler


Nineties & noughties IT guy.

Into the black.
Csatlakozott 2012. május


Letiltottad @Qldaah felhasználót

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  1. retweetelte
    szept. 26.

    She developed a categorization system for conspiracy theories. Brilliant...

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  2. retweetelte
    szept. 27.

    People are amazing...

  3. retweetelte
    szept. 27.

    This good boy loves the Ice Cream Man...

  4. retweetelte
    szept. 29.

    “Don’t tell me he represents the working-class.” 59-seconds of passion...

  5. retweetelte
    szept. 29.

    2020, y’all...

  6. retweetelte
    szept. 29.

    Orange County, Florida: This dashcam caught a man shooting through his own windshield at another driver on the 417. Dude said he opened fire because the other driver flashed a gun at him first. Unreal...

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  7. retweetelte
    szept. 29.

    A man slipped and got his leg stuck between the train and the railway tracks. All of the passengers rushed to push the train in order to free the man. Humanity.🌎❤️

  8. retweetelte
    szept. 29.

    We don’t deserve them. Truly. Dogs, bruh...

  9. retweetelte
    24 órával ezelőtt

    When MAGA says, “You can’t name one thing Trump’s done that’s racist.” — show ‘em this...

  10. retweetelte
    21 órával ezelőtt

    Here’s Trump today lying about not knowing who the Proud Boys are and still not condemning white supremacy...

  11. retweetelte
    21 órával ezelőtt

    Had Dr. Evil been moderator last night...

  12. retweetelte
    21 órával ezelőtt

    You didn’t know you needed 15-seconds of baby goats jumping-around today — but you did...

  13. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    The Morrison Government should use its close friendship with the US to push hard for the extradition proceeding to be dropped against Julian . NY Times published the revelations with impunity. This govt should demand the same treatment for one of our own journalists.

  14. retweetelte
    12 órával ezelőtt

    THIS IS THE MOST DISGUSTING BEHAVIOUR BY THE CANBERRA LIBERALS. just called me to say his son caught me taking Jame’s signs down last night. This is THE YOUNG GUY who stopped and took my photo (and intimidated me) while I was putting my signs up.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  15. retweetelte
    11 órával ezelőtt

    This says more about @janehmemp LNP than Who paid, the taxpayer? Reality: LNP gagged debate by non-govt MPs 125 times. Haines opposed gags 103 times (83% of the time). Indi voted for parliament debate

  16. retweetelte
    7 órával ezelőtt

    Do you have a friend or relative who votes for the 🇦🇺Liberal Party (ie Conservatives in 🇦🇺) because they’re “Teh BeSt EcOnOmiC MaNagErs”? We made this Honest Government Ad for you.

  17. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    Sunset reflected – itt: Coolum Beach

  18. retweetelte
    7 órával ezelőtt
  19. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    Tell us about the boot camp tender . You personally overruled 100 per cent of a decision of your department. This relates to 1 per cent. Does that make you 100 times worse?

  20. retweetelte
    6 órával ezelőtt

    This increase was already three months delayed so ABC staff had served half that time already. At the same time the tele and other news staff got their two per cent pay rise in July. I think that must’ve been accidentally left out of the article.


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