We're Building the Climate Movement

Climate-focused campaigns, projects and actions led from the bottom-up by people in 188 countries. Email is how 350 connects — Join in and get started:

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Freeze New Fossil Fuel Development

Governments meeting at the next climate conference must put their Paris pledges into action -- and action means no more room for new fossil fuel projects.
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Big divestment news!

2016 has been a tough year for the climate movement. Devastating climate impacts have been accelerating and an increasingly difficult political climate have made holding onto hope difficult. Which is exactly why it’s more important than ever to recognise our movement’s successes and learn from our victories. A new report released today with our friends... (More...)

The Science of 350

Find out what 350ppm means and why we need a global movement to get the planet on a path back to below 350.
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Climate Movement Videos

Check out some of the amazing videos profiling the growth of the global climate movement.
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