Heath Aston

Heath Aston is a federal political correspondent. Most recently Heath was the state political editor for the Sun-Herald. Before joining the NSW press gallery he worked for newspapers in Sydney and London.

The proposed site for the coal mine.

The eight-year hitch: Shenhua Watermark coal mine to pass kill date

It has been 2916 days since controversial former state Labor minister Ian Macdonald issued China's state-owned Shenhua a licence to explore for coal in Australia's richest farming region, the Liverpool Plains, in return for a $300 million cash payment to the NSW government.

Barnaby Joyce has been given a campaign headache.

Miner plans to drill for CSG in New England

Fossil fuel giant Santos has submitted new plans to drill for coal seam gas in the heart of Australia's richest farming country, the Liverpool Plains - an area inside Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce's hotly-contested seat of New England.

Liberal MP Ann Sudmalis.

MP feels party backlash after joining ALP attack

Turnbull Government MP Ann Sudmalis is under pressure from angry rank-and-file Liberals in her south coast NSW seat after she publicly supported an ALP-authored motion "condemning the Baird Government for its arrogant and ill-considered [council] merger proposal".