Anarchist bookfair

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Interview with Black Άκυροι on Anarchism, Ireland, Greece & Horizontalism

This is a by email interview Andrew did with Black Άκυροι from from Thessaloniki Greece in April 2015 about the Dublin anarchist bookfair, squatting & policing in Ireland, Syriza and horizontalism.  At the end you will find a link for the interview as published.

The fight against Water Charges - Where next? - video from DABF 2015

This panel discussed the challenges facing the popular, community-based movement against Irish Water, and what we should do next.

Speakers from the Dun Laoghaire, Mahon & Swords campaigns discuss the way forward at the 10th Dublin anarchist bookfair

See for background info

Voting for Marriage Equality while being critical of Marriage - video from DABF 2015

We find ourselves in Ireland facing a imminent referendum on marriage equality, which the hardline religious right are opposing as part of their program of maintaining multiple oppressions.

A no vote in that context would be disastrous, serving only to entrench homophobia. Therefore anarchists are campaigning for a Yes to Marriage Equality vote but beyond the need to ensure the referendum is not defeated this session of the 2015 Dublin Anarchist Bookfair asked what else needed to be said?


The Rojava Revolution, Gender Liberation & Feudalism video from DABF 2015

This session at the 2015 Dublin anarchist bookfair examined the reasons why gender liberation is central to the Rojava revolution in northern Syria and looks in particular at the importance of the struggle against tribal feudalism.

Ten Minute Campaign Talks at DABF 2014 - Stop NATO, Vegan, IOPS audio

My recording of the space we provided at this years Dublin Anarchist Bookfair at which people involved in a variety of struggles explained them and sought solidarity. There were three talks, Vegan Information Project , Stop NATO in Cymru and the International Organisation for a Participatory Society (IOPS). 

This was a new experiment this year to try and provide space on a cramped schedule for groups which contacted usso I'm interested to hear how you thought it actually worked out.


Priceless land: Resisting Displacement in Colombia ; resisting Fracking in Ireland - Audio from DABF 2014

Nelly Cuadros a community activist from the central department of Tolima, Colombia shared with the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair her stories of resistance, and lessons on uniting against injustice. Women play a central role in these communities and, in spite of discrimination as both peasants and women, are emerging as important social leaders for this pivotal time.

This talk was part of Latin American Solidarity Week. As a last minute addition to the program Leah also spoke about the struggle against Fracking in Ireland

My Life in Activism : Women speak at 2014 Dublin Anarchist Bookfair - Audio

This audio which I edited from the 2014 Dublin anarchist bookfair "hosted a panel of women activists who informed us about how they became involved in the movement, what drew them into this life of campaigning for social justice, rights and attempting to change the world in which we live. They inform us of how they remain motivated, inspired and sustained in active political life."

My faith is to spend the day of the bookfair running around setting up audi & video equipment and recording and then the weeks afterwards processing that for the WSM Mixcloud and Youtube accounts.  I'll be posting these over the next couple of weeks a few days after I complete each one.


My Life in Activism : Women speak at 2014 Dublin Anarchist Bookfair - Audio by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Details of the 2014 Dublin anarchist book fair

It's that time of year again and I've been busy, busy, busy with the online promotion of the 2014 Dublin anarchist bookfair.  I've included the details below so that any of you in Dublin are sure to get to it and if I've the time post bookfair I'll write up some of the lessons in terms of both promotion and engagement learned from it this time around.  Its going to be a blast, if you will be in Dublin you don't want to miss this!

There will be discussions, speakers from movements engaged in struggle, home and abroad.  There will be books and stalls and much more.  If you’ve been to one, then you know what I’m talking about, if you haven’t make sure you keep the date set aside, and we’ll be seeing you on the 12th of April.

Please mark your attendence on the main Facebook event for the bookfair and invite any friends you think should be interested.  Publicity is one of the big costs of hosting it every year so you contribution in that way really helps.


Late addition: We are pleased to announce that Selma James is taking part in this years Dublin Anarchist Bookfair.


Before and during the bookfair we encourage you to tweet to #dabf

Belfast anarchist bookfair photos & report

On Saturday I travelled to Belfast for the Belast Anarchist Bookfair held in the top floor of the Belfast Unemployed Center. As well as helping out a little with the organisation I spoke about my expereinces in Gezi Park at one of the five meetings that were on as part of the bookfair.  I recorded the other four and hope to have edited version of those recordings online over the next while.



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