Dublin solidarity protest with Polish women's strike - video report

Tuesday 3rd October evening hundreds of Polish women and their allies gathered outside the Polish consulate in Dublin to protest the anti-woman bill being pushed in the Polish parliament that will criminalise women who have abortions in all circumstances. Ahead of last nights'Dublin - Solidarity with Polish Women on Strike' protest the organisers said;

"Last week, the Polish parliament has decided to proceed with a bill that directly attacks women. The majority party voted uniformly in favour of further discussions on a bill that bans abortion with the exception of immediate threat to a woman’s life. If the bill will be legislated for, abortion will be illegal even in cases of risk to women’s health, fatal foetus abnormalities or when the pregnancy is a result of rape and incest. The bill calls abortion ‘prenatal slaughter’ and introduces criminalisation of women for the procedure.
Major protests countrywide will be taking part this weekend as part of Czarny Protest (Black Protests) with women and men wearing black to express their rage, but also mourning for fundamental human rights being refused to women in Poland. The protests will culminate on Monday with Black Monday – warning strike, with women across Poland taking a day off from work, university and household tasks to continue protests around the country. Many shops, universities and restaurants will be closed or only men will work. This is just the initial warning for the government."

WORDS & VIDEO: Andrew Flood (Follow Andrew on Twitter


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