
The Block in 'serious negotiations' over sale of Gatwick Hotel

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The Gatwick Hotel has been home for the mad, the bad, tragic chronic substance abusers and the mentally ill.

But could St Kilda's most notorious hotel be the setting for a glitzy new season of The Block?

The creators of the long-running reality renovation show are in serious negotiations with the owners of the rooming house, Fairfax Media understands.

But, despite reports the talks are in their final stages, it's far from a done deal, with the price the major sticking point.

The 64-room hotel was taken off the market in October after a year-long campaign failed to flush out a buyer willing to pay about $11 million.

It's understood Channel 9, who did not return calls, are still in negotiations.


Yvette Kelly, who's worked at the boarding house with her sister Rose Banks since the 1970s, was also contacted for comment.

Ms Kelly said last year the ice scourge and building maintenance costs were the major reasons they placed the property on the market.

Both Ms Kelly and local police said Gatwick's long-term residents weren't the problem, with most trouble coming from blow-ins.

Even so, the rooming house was a drain on police and paramedics who "were lucky" if they weren't called there at least once a shift, one said.

The Gatwick has come under increasing pressure recently, blamed for crime in the area and the decline in retail shops and visitors.

City of Port Phillip mayor Bernadene Voss said on Saturday no planning application had been received from Channel 9.

"If the Gatwick is sold to a private buyer, we will work with the new owners in accordance with planning laws," Ms Voss said.

"When rooming houses are sold, Council assists the various agencies involved with the relocations."

In response to claims from the Herald Sun that police had been begging for the property to be bought, Victoria Police spokeswoman Creina O'Grady​ said no formal approach has been made to any production company over the sale of the Gatwick Hotel.

"The Gatwick has been a part of St Kilda's rich history and very much a part of policing within St Kilda," she said.

"We are currently working with the City of Port Phillip and a number of other agencies in an attempt to minimise harm and improve safety conditions to those residing there and to the broader community."

Housing minister and local MP, Martin Foley, said should it be sold the government would use funding earmarked for refurbishing the Gatwick and other money, to house residents.

"We have committed to redevelop the nearby Elenara rooming house, building 30 modern self-contained apartments and better services for tenants to stay connected with support services," he said.

"Should the Gatwick be sold we are confident we can house local residents in better and more appropriate facilities."