
Chiropractors furious at Melbourne clinic screening of anti-vaccination film Vaxxed

A chiropractic clinic in Melbourne has hosted a screening of the anti-vaccination film Vaxxed​, infuriating chiropractors who say a minority of "rogue" practitioners is bringing their profession into disrepute.

Directed by Andrew Wakefield, the former doctor whose debunked study played a key role in the anti-vaccination movement, Vaxxed has been scrapped from film festivals in Australia and the United States.

Before it was pulled from Victoria's Castlemaine Local and International Film Festival in September, the head of the Australian Medical Association and Victoria's Health Minister Jill Hennessy lashed out at the organisers.

"It's irresponsible to promote messages that have a harmful impact, not just on kids in Castlemaine but on all kids," Ms Hennessy said.

The film was screened at a clinic on Richardson Street in Middle Park owned by high-profile chiropractor Simon Floreani on December 10, Fairfax Media can reveal.

Tickets were sold through the Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network, the president of which reportedly hosted a question-and-answer session following the screening.


Mr Floreani, the former head of the Chiropractic Association of Australia, said he was not at the screening but defended the film.

"I own and run a large multidisciplinary community centre which rents space for public and community education every week," he said.

"Censorship does not encourage robust debate and anyone who has watched Vaxxed would know that it is a story about perverse incentives and fraud. Vaxxed does not promote a 'harmful' message."

Dr Floreani said he was not against vaccinations, rather: "I advocate adequate, informed consent for all medical procedures."

"Don't dare call me an anti-vaxer," he said in an emailed response to questions.

Dismayed chiropractors contacted Fairfax Media this week saying not enough was being done to reign in a minority they claim are acting against their own code of conduct, undermining public health and harming the profession.

"Why show this film in a chiropractic practice? It affords it the support of a health professional, slathering it with a veil of unqualified, rotten merit," said Matthew Bulman, a NSW chiropractor.

"We're spine-care specialists, that's our strength, and these other areas they need to be dropped off and really go the way of dinosaurs, just pushed out of the profession."

He said chiropractic was being "undermined by the acts of a few unscrupulous practitioners who sow seeds of doubt in community health".

"These offenders are not only a danger to the public, they are a danger to my profession," he said.

"They require not only marginalisation but heavy sanctioning or removal from the privileged position of being a registered healthcare practitioner."

Ms Hennessy wrote to the Chiropractic Board of Australia earlier this year with concerns chiropractors were pedalling anti-vaccination myths, and performing spinal manipulations on newborn babies based on unfounded claims that it could cure conditions like colic, autism, and ear infections.

Following a meeting with Ms Hennessy, AHPRA and the board agreed to undertake further investigation into how to better police and take action against those chiropractors violating their code.

"I am appalled to hear that once again there are reports of rogue chiropractors spreading harmful anti-vaccination messages outside of their scope of practice, putting their patients and the lives of children in the community at risk," she said.

"It's unacceptable, it goes against the science, and it gives other chiropractors a bad name."

Andrew Shepherd, a chiropractor and father of a child with autism, said: "I personally take it as a great affront, not just as a rational, science-based chiropractor but also as a father who loves his child and had her vaccinated to protect her from very real diseases like whooping cough that still kill infants today."

The code requires practitioners to promote the health of the community through disease prevention, control and education.

A spokeswoman for AHPRA and the board said concerns about practitioners promoting anti-vaccination views had been raised and "investigations are underway".

"The majority of practitioners do meet their obligations under the board's code of conduct. It is very important to recognise that is only a small minority who do not," she said.

Adjunct professor Keith Charlton, a chiropractor and academic, said: "Competent chiropractors have a very significant role to play in the management of musculoskeletal pain disorder and to the extent that anything interferes with us discharging that role it negatively affects the greater public good and the public health."

Vaxxed has been advertised as an airing of allegations by former employee William Thompson that US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention covered up information about autism research, which suggested a causal link with the three-shot vaccine.

This is despite a strong consensus within the scientific community that vaccines don't cause autism, a position held by health authorities around the world and backed by several large reputable studies.