NIBS Underground – Book Launch – Fighting on all fronts: Popular Resistence in the Second World War

August is the anniversary of the end of World War 2. Official events are celebrating the victory of “democracy” and “freedom” over fascism and tyranny. But for the rulers of the Allied nations the war was never about de-mocracy or freedom. In some ways there were parallel wars: apart from the clash of imperialisms, there were opposition actions fought by ordinary people, mobilised by anti-fascist, democratic sentiments. Edited by Donny Gluckstein, the book contains 11 chapters on different countries. Four authors are Australian and they will all be present to speak and sign your copy of the book.

fighting on all fronts

Book launch – Donny Gluckstein (video)
Resistance in Japan – Kaye Broadbent
Resistance in Australia – Tom O’Lincoln

Special launch discount price $25!
To purchase the book at the launch rate contact NIBS by 21 August. After this date RRP $45

In addition to the book launch, there will be the launch of INTERVENTIONS – a new socialist publishing venture.
Launch of INTERVENTIONS – Jeff Sparrow
What is INTERVENTIONS? – Janey Stone

When: Friday 21st August 6:30pm for 7pm start

Where: New International Bookshop

RSVP on facebook here

Entry free. Nibbles provided. Drinks at bar prices. Booking not required.

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