
Drug dealer tried to prostitute wife, daughter to pay corrupt cop

An elderly drug dealer who peddled heroin on a bike around Fitzroy offered to prostitute his wife and daughter to pay off corrupt cops who were shaking him down.

Former police officer Brendan Nolan, 30, was found guilty by a County Court jury in November of three charges of misconduct by a public official.

On Friday, Judge Damian Murphy sentenced Nolan to three years in jail, with a one year and nine months to be served before he becomes eligible for parole. The charges he faced carried a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Nolan was part of a group of officers who turned rogue, targeting drug dealers for shakedowns – in part because they were the least likely to report the officers' corruption.

Nolan was a young police officer working at Fitzroy police station when he came into the orbit of David Branov​, an officer 13 years his senior. One with a serious drug problem. 

The two became friends, and Branov sounded out Nolan as a potential partner in crime. They would eventually form what they referred to as a "punters club", Judge Murphy said in sentencing Nolan on Friday.


In April or May 2012, Branov became aware of an elderly drug dealer, working out of a Housing Commission flat in Brunswick, who would pedal his bike to heroin deals, Judge Murphy said.

Branov and Nolan, dressed in plain clothes, intercepted the drug dealer, who they named and told him "this one's going to cost you".

The dealer offered to prostitute his wife and daughter, but that was refused by the pair. Eventually the dealer gave Branov about $3000 in cash – in exchange, Branov handed him his heroin back.

In another incident later that year, Branov and Nolan, along with a senior sergeant, raided a house where a drug dealer was suspected to be living.

As Branov and Nolan searched the house, Nolan came across a large stash of casino chips in a handbag – which he pocketed. He told his sergeant he had found nothing. On the way out of the house he winked at one of the occupants, the court had earlier heard. Nolan visited the casino after his shift finished.

In sentencing Nolan, Judge Murphy said his actions "damage the confidence of the whole community in those holding public office".

Nolan's lawyer submitted 39 character references, including one from his partner, a police officer. Taking those into account Judge Murphy said Nolan had excellent prospects of rehabilitation.