According to him, while some media outlets and Western politicians accuse the Syrian government of ceasefire violations, Syrian President Bashar Assad and his allies are putting maximum efforts to bring an end to the war.
"An information campaign launched against the Syrian government and Russia once again proves that the United States and its allies support terrorists in the Middle East," Hernandez told Sputnik Mundo.
"As for video clips of Aleppo residents 'scared' of the Syrian Army, they are also a lie. I’m working in Syria and I saw the life of Syrians in the part of Aleppo controlled by government forces. The army did a lot to help people. At the same time, in the areas controlled by militants conditions for civilians were unbearable," Hernandez said.
"Russia’s presence in Syria was authorized by the government while presence of other countries, for example the United States or Turkey, in Syria is not legitimate. They’re pursuing own goals there," he said.
"Western media and politicians are hypocritical about civilian victims in Syria. I saw militants firing a missile at a hospital in the center of Damascus. They also destroyed a school there. These were civilian districts. But mainstream media ignored that," Hernandez said.
On Thursday, Moscow called on UN institutions to stop being part of the "Western propaganda campaign" against Moscow and Damascus.
According to Russian journalist and political commentator Alexander Khrolenko, the main reason behind the Western media hysteria about the situation in Syria is the fact the West is losing the fight against the Syrian government and President Bashar Assad.
"A US-led coalition is losing ground in Syria. For five years, Washington and its allies have been using opposition forces and jihadists in an attempt to topple Assad," Khrolenko wrote in a piece for RIA Novosti.
"All Western statements with reference to 'posts of activists' and movies about alleged 'Russian airstrikes,' 'firing squads' and other staged scenes were filmed by special TV groups comprised of militants. It remains a big question why some media used it without checking the source. Some advice – do not believe the propaganda of the terrorists," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
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Reply | 2 | Edit | Delete It is a fact, and all independent media around the world should come out with these words : The west & it's vassals have created and support terrorism, for the sole purpose of regime change. In this way they don't need to sacrifice their own military but only the disposable terrorists. Reply | 0 | Edit | Delete The "enemy (ISIS) of my enemy (ASSAD) is my friend". Russia must stop to pretend naivety. Reply | 0 | Edit | Delete The western MSM is out of control, the new president elect is rejecting the current policies of intervention, forced rigeme change, arming questionable groups, and hateful policies toward Russia.
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Darrell R
The establishment and it's companion media outlets have reacted to the upcoming policy changes with the new administration in much the same way as a government that chooses to deal with the negative consequences of high inflation by switching to hyperinflation. In the end it is doomed to fail because the people are wise to it and lose all confidence.
What I am seeing in the media is repulsive and unacceptable. The lame reports on Syria attacking Assad and Russia have gotten out of hand. Certain members of the intelligence community are ramping up their claims that Russia had been hacking in the US to effect the outcome of the election. If they know this for fact then they would have proof, but they refuse to give it to congress, the lame duck president is even ramping up this claim. People are not buying this unless it's convenient to what they want to believe. Now that they are being discredited, they are upping the claims by saying that it was Putin and Trump themselves that were behind it and that they were colluding to get Trump elected through hacking. Where's the proof of them even talking? The media reports this like it is a fact without showing one piece of evidence.
Now there is congress that is working to pass laws that will make it harder for Trump to normalize relations with Russia. You have senators that plan to ask Tillerson if he plans on lifting sanctions against Russia and if he says yes they want to try to stop him from becoming the next Secretary of State. Then you have people like senator John McCain that respond to the idea of improving relations with Russia with such a hateful attitude. The horrible hateful name calling on Putin is such a disgraceful and anti diplomatic thing for a senator to be doing.
If mainstream reporters were real journalist they would do their homework and report the truth, but instead they report what the powers that be tell them to.
If there is to ever be a resemblance of peaceful coexistence in this world, it is of absolute importance that the powerful nations of the world show mutual respect for each other. This hateful divisive attitude towards the idea of changing course in policies with regards to how the US deals with the Middle East and with Russia is inexcusable. They seem to want to put a wall across the world between us and them and point missiles at the other side. This is not a path to a better world.
To those that fear improved relations with Russia, you need to realize that Russia has concerns of their own when dealing with western powers. Trust doesn't come overnight but can be earned over time when the desire is there. Our nations don't have to be allies, but they can learn to accept different agendas, work out their differences when necessary, work together on common interests and solve common problems.
It is very important that we work towards those goals, sanctions, misinformation, bullying and name calling is no way to get there.
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