
Barack Obama says US will respond to Russian hacking of election

Washington: President Barack Obama has vowed the US would take action to respond to Russian cyber-attacks intended to interfere with the presidential election, escalating the hacking controversy as his successor, Donald Trump, continued to dismiss the claims of foreign interference.

In an interview with NPR News that aired Friday morning, Mr Obama said that following any attempt by a foreign government to impact the integrity of US elections "we need to take action."

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Was Putin involved in US election hacking?

NBC News reports Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved in US election hacking, after alleged claims made by senior intelligence officials to the broadcaster.

"And we will," he continued. "At a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicised, some of it may not be."

The president's comments, which echo warnings issued in recent days by some of his top aides, come amid complaints from the Trump transition team that the White House is renewing its focus on the Russian interference in an attempt to delegitimise the Republican's victory.

The administration announced late last week plans to issue a report on electoral cyber-attacks before Mr Obama leaves office on January 20.

The White House and Trump teams have traded escalating insults in recent days that threaten the fragile detente between Mr Trump and Mr Obama, who has sought a working relationship with his successor partially in a bid to preserve some of his policy legacy.


It's also blurred traditional party lines in Washington, with some Republicans expressing alarm over Russia's attempts to influence an election ultimately won by their nominee and some Democrats upset the White House didn't take more actions to confront the Kremlin before Election Day.

In a tweet early Friday, Mr Trump argued the focus of any debate should be revelations in the hacked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that the campaign had been given a heads up on debate questions from the head of the Democratic National Committee during the primary campaign.

The president-elect's latest missive followed a Twitter message Thursday, casting doubt on Russian involvement in the hacking once more and asking why the federal government waited so long to respond.

At a rally Thursday in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Mr Trump targeted White House press secretary Josh Earnest, who has repeatedly criticised the president-elect for refusing to publicly accept Russia's role in the leak of emails.

Mr Trump called the press secretary a "foolish guy," and suggested he was "getting his orders" from someone other than Mr Obama.

In the NPR interview, Mr Obama argued the revelations were evidence the Russians had succeeded in roiling the election because they created "more problems for the Clinton campaign than it had for the Trump campaign."

'No doubt'

"There's no doubt that it contributed to an atmosphere in which the only focus for weeks at a time, months at a time were Hillary's emails, the Clinton Foundation, political gossip surrounding the DNC," Mr Obama said.

He stopped short of saying the Russian hack was fully responsible for Mrs Clinton's loss, but said he had no doubt it had "some impact" on the race. He also indicated that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who the administration has suggested may have personally directed the effort, was "well aware of my feelings about this, because I spoke to him directly about that."

Mr Obama also said congressional Republicans should be supportive of his administration's efforts to highlight Russian interference.

"The irony of all this, of course, is that for most of my presidency, there's been a pretty sizable wing of the Republican Party that has consistently criticised me for not being tough enough on Russia," he said.

"Some of those folks during the campaign endorsed Donald Trump, despite the fact that a central tenet of his foreign policy was we shouldn't be so tough on Russia. And that kind of inconsistency, I think, makes it appear, at least, that their particular position on Russia on any given day depends on what's politically expedient."

'Democrats playing politics'

Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican and vocal Trump supporter, said on Friday that Democrats were "certainly playing politics" with the situation.

He told CNBC that he had been denied a request to be briefed by CIA officials on Russia's involvement, and that he had not seen evidence Russia was responsible.

"I'm assuming that's true, but who did they hack?" Mr Johnson said. "Was it the DNC? Was it John Podesta? I haven't seen that evidence."

The Kremlin has denied involvement in the email leaks, and spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Tokyo on Friday the US should prove its accusations against Russia.

"Either stop talking about it or finally provide some evidence. Otherwise it looks indecent," he said while in Japan where Putin is meeting with Japanese leaders.

The administration also faced new criticism from Mr Podesta, who wrote in a Washington Post op-ed published on Friday that he's was disappointed the FBI didn't do more to notify officials at the Democratic National Committee of one of the cyber intrusions.

He contrasted reports that the FBI didn't send an agent in person to warn DNC officials with the decision by Director James Comey to reveal to Congress in the weeks before the election that agents had discovered a new cache of emails sent from Mrs Clinton's private server during her time at the State Department.

"Comparing the FBI's massive response to the overblown email scandal with the seemingly lackadaisical response to the very real Russian plot to subvert a national election shows that something is deeply broken at the FBI," he said.
