
Oliver Curtis loses appeal against insider trading conviction

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Oliver Curtis, husband of Sydney publicist Roxy Jacenko, will remain behind bars after he lost a court bid to overturn his conviction for insider trading.

The Court of Criminal Appeal upheld his conviction for conspiracy to commit insider trading on Friday. Ms Jacenko did not appear in court.

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Sentencing him in June 2016 Justice Lucy McCallum said Oliver Curtis, husband of PR maven Roxy Jacenko, had shown no sign of taking responsibility for his insider trading.

His legal team had argued the jury's verdict was "unreasonable or cannot be supported by the evidence" and essential elements of the offence had not been proven.

But Justice Anthony Payne, with whom justices Derek Price and David Davies agreed, said "upon the whole of the evidence ... it was open to the jury to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the accused was guilty".

"The verdict was not unreasonable," Justice Payne said.

Curtis, 31, is serving a one-year jail sentence after a jury found him guilty on June 2 of striking an illegal deal in 2007 with his former best friend John Hartman to use inside information to bet in shifts in share prices.


The information was acquired by Mr Hartman in the course of his job as an equities dealer at boutique investment firm Orion Asset Management.

"Mr Hartman provided the trading instructions to [Curtis] via a secure service referred to as 'pinning', whereby a message, similar to a text message, could be covertly sent from Mr Hartman to the appellant using a Blackberry device," Justice Payne said in his judgment.

The jury heard the old boys from St Ignatius' College, Riverview, spent the $1.4 million profit on lavish living expenses, including a luxury holiday to Whistler and Las Vegas.

Justice Lucy McCallum sentenced Curtis on June 24 to a maximum of two years in prison but said he should be released after one year on a good behaviour bond.

In a strongly-worded judgment, she said it was "troubling that, unlike Mr Hartman, Mr Curtis has not embraced responsibility for his offending".

She said Curtis, who was working at boutique investment bank Transocean Group at the time of the offences in 2007 and 2008, had expressed "no contrition to any degree whatsoever" until after the jury found him guilty.

Mr Hartman has already served time for insider trading offences.

Curtis' legal team had launched a highly technical appeal, including claims the jury could not have been satisfied the information the pair agreed Mr Hartman would pass on to Curtis was in fact inside information.

But Justice Payne said the Crown was only required to prove that when they struck the deal the men "believed" the information at the centre of the conspiracy was inside information.

This meant they believed it "would not be generally available and that, if it were generally available, a reasonable person would expect it to have a material effect on the price or value of the relevant securities".

Justice Payne noted a West Australian Court of Appeal case in which convicted insider traders had received information that was "not actually true".

The court found "'information' could include statements that are false, unreasonable or lies", Justice Payne said.

There was no suggestion during the Curtis trial that the information fell into this category.