Good Weekend

Be armed and know your allies during the Christmas shopping war

When I reminisce on Christmases past, I think fondly of my family's happily warped plastic Kmart tree; my Dad, who worked late shifts, emerging past midday, his scrotum horrifyingly visible through his boxers; and my parents' post-divorce Christmases, when old emotional wounds would be re-opened with a careless comment, triggering arguments that prompted neighbours to come over to discreetly ask whether they should call the police. It is a very restful holiday; I like it very much.

Anyway, if you're having a panic attack after reading the above, good. It's already mid-December, people, and if you haven't done your Christmas shopping by now – that yearly capitalist ritual that creates tonnes of consumer waste that fast-tracks the planet's death – you're pretty much screwed.

By the time you read this, online businesses will be stopping postal guarantees and your only option is to drive – crying – to your local Westfield or other weather-sealed biodome and fully submerge yourself into that nightmare cross between an M.C. Escher print and Dante's seventh circle of hell, complete with Muffin Break.

When you come from a family as big as mine (two parents, five kids, myriad partners, various in-laws), you've got to treat Christmas shopping like war. Go in armed. Know your allies. And use these strategies:

UNIFY. Remember, you are not in this alone. Two heads – and two wallets – are better than one. If you have siblings, team up. If someone already has a good gift idea, yield to it and simply make a bank transfer. You'll get equal credit, despite doing SFA.

OUTSOURCE. Your local bookshop is your friend. Arrive early and talk to staff, all of whom are super friendly and terrifyingly keen to help in this era of diminishing retail returns. Tell them about each family member's interests (there'll be something for your camping-mad sister and fashion-mad brother, even if they don't read much), then stare vacantly into space as staff choose the books and wrap them. Hand over your credit card. Bam.

COMPILE. Looking for something for that hard-to-please someone? It's hamper time! Everyone eats, so why not get them slightly-better-than-regular olive oil! Random things in a jar! Various jams! (Everyone loves jam!) Sure, it's essentially random shit thrown in a tub and wrapped in plastic like garbage, but it'll get used and it feels personal. (Note: only pull this trick once. The first time I did it, my Dad was stoked. The second time? "Oh, groceries.")