
Daniel Flitton

Daniel Flitton is senior correspondent for The Age covering foreign affairs and politics. He is a former intelligence analyst for the Australian government and was at one-time a university lecturer specialising in international relations.

What happens to Australia when Donald Trump makes the calls?

Australia, the Biggest Loser

Could it be Australia is pitching to be a contestant on the next episode of The Apprentice? Imagine. A kind of global TV reality show, with Donald Trump to select his favourite, most loyal, MOST BEAUTIFUL diplomatic ally. Because that seems to be the aim. We already insist on a capital letter for the Alliance.

Islamic State fighters in Raqqa, Syria.

Syria a brutal time warp to Cold War rivalry

Before we get to Russia, the angry "stunt" in New York, the US (and Australian) warplanes bombing during a supposed truce in Syria, take a moment to pause and remember the terrible massacre at Srebrenica.

Michelle Obama delivered a tremendous speech during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Hope trumped by reality

The wife of a former president should definitely be the next leader of the United States. It's just a pity the wrong woman is running for election.

Students in Papua New Guinea have declared they will boycott their classes and keep up the campaign to oust Prime ...

Neighbourly advice no help to PNG

Australia, a wealthy champion of liberal democracy, is busily encouraging a poor nation already straining with internal troubles to buck the local law. How neighbourly.

Former immigration minister Scott Morrison and Cambodian Interior Minister Sar Kheng toast a refugee resettlement deal ...

Australia's Pacific screw-up

The boats have stopped but detention centres and dodgy deals with dubious regimes have created new problems that must be solved.