Federal Politics

Philip Wen

Philip Wen is the China correspondent for Fairfax Media.

Port in a storm: Adam Giles, the former chief minister of Northern Territory toasts Ye Cheng, chairman of Shandong ...

'In time, this world will be China's'

In Australia, China's short-term game is to buy the government's silence on the South China Sea, making it clear there would be ramifications if it were to follow the US lead and send warships on freedom of navigation missions in the disputed waters.

A matter for the WA Party: The Foreign Affairs Minister declined to comment on donations to the WA Liberals from ...

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's links to Chinese political donors

Chinese businessmen with links to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop donated half a million dollars to the minister's Western Australian division of the Liberal Party during the past two years, raising questions about the propriety of foreign donations being linked to ministers with trade and diplomatic responsibilities.