Elections in Uzbekistan

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Coat of arms of Uzbekistan.svg
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Uzbekistan elects on national level a head of state – the president – and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Supreme Assembly (Oliy Majlis) has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate; 84 members elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members appointed by the president. Most parties are excluded. Uzbekistan is a state dominated by the supporters of a head of state – the president. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power.

Uzbekistan had the highest voting age in the world, at 25 (now 18).

Latest elections[edit]

2007 Presidential election[edit]

e • d Summary of the 23 December 2007 Uzbekistani presidential election results
Candidate Votes %
Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party) 13,008,357 90.76
Asliddin Rustamov (People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan) 468,064 3.27
Dilorom Toshmuhamedova (Justice Social Democratic Party) 434,111 3.03
Akmal Saidov (independent) 420,815 2.94
Valid votes 14,331,347 100.00
Invalid votes 434,097 2.94
Total votes (turnout 90.6%) 14,765,444
Source: elections.uz

2009–2010 Parliamentary election[edit]

e • d Summary of the 27 December 2009 and 10 January 2010 Legislative Chamber of Uzbekistan election results
Parties First round Second round* Total
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party
(O'zbekiston Liberal Demokratik Partiyasi)
33 20 53
Uzbekistan People's Democratic Party
(O'zbekistan Xalq Demokratik Partiyasi)
22 10 32
Uzbekistan National Revival Democratic Party
(O'zbekistan Milliy Tiklanish Demokratik Partiyasi)
25 6 31
Justice Social Democratic Party
(Adolat Sotsial Demokratik Partiyasi)
16 3 19
Total     96     39 135
Total valid votes 15,108,950 (87.8%)   3,960,876 (79.7%)    
Registered voters 17,215,700 4,969,547  
*In 39 out of 135 electoral districts where no candidate polled more than 50% of the vote in the first round.
15 deputies to the Legislative Chamber were also elected by the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan in indirect elections.
Source: Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The number of seats in the lower house of Uzbekistan's bicameral parliament was increased in December 2008 from 120 to 150, with 15 seats reserved for election by the country's Ecological Movement.

The third elections for the Oliy Majlis started on 27 December 2009, with 517 candidates. The 150-member bicameral Oliy Majlis comprises the Leglislative Chamber and the 100-member Senate, which each member elected to a five-year term. According to the Uzbekistan’s Election Commission, the following parties have been allowed to take part in these elections: Adolat (Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan) with 123 candidates, Milliy Tiklanish (Democratic Party of Uzbekistan) with 125 candidates, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (PDP) with 134 candidates, the Liberal-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (UzLiDeP) with 135 candidates, and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.

On January 10, 2010 a second round of voting was held, because on the main election day on December 27, 2009 in 39 out of 135 electoral districts of the republic none of the candidates received more than 50 percent of the votes needed for a win. This second round was held for two candidates to deputies that got the largest number of votes in the first round. The candidate who gets a simple majority of votes cast by the electorate who came to the polls is considered elected to the parliament.

At least 33 percent of the registered voters should vote to make this second round of the elections valid.

The election was monitored by over 270 observers from 36 countries and representatives of four international missions. Human rights activists described the election campaign as oppressed by the government.[1]

Past elections and referendums[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "Uzbekistan ready for parliamentary polls"

External links[edit]