

Hollywood and performance art pain

Hollywood star and performance artist Shia LaBeouf with fellow performance artists Luke Turner and Nastja Sade Ronkko.

Shia LaBeouf and his performance-art friends Luke Turner and Nastja Sade Ronkko are in Sydney to perform at Bingefest: no one is entirely sure what will happen.

A dizzying art of excess

Jean Varin (1604-1672), Bust of Louis XIV, 1665-66. On loan from the Palace of Versailles.

This beautiful exhibition of refined craftsmanship at the National Gallery of Australia contains signature pieces from the Ancien Regime.

Seeing is believing: the art of illusion

Anne Zahalka is among the 12 contemporary Australian artists in the exhibition with her work <i>Jack Rabbits</I>.

Geelong Gallery's curator Lisa Sullivan, a long-time fan of 'trompe l'oeil' (French for 'trick the eye'), has brought together a new exhibition featuring the works of 12 contemporary Australian artists whose work celebrates the illusionistic.

Virginia Woolf avoids a car crash

Striking: Christian Charisiou as the cynical young biologist Nick and lead actor Deborah Galanos as Martha.

We don't have the tradition of the "Alan Smithee" credit in the theatre. If we did, this production of Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? would probably deserve one.