
Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon is the political editor of The Age.

One opportunity for a fresh start for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull looms in an area former prime minister Tony Abbott ...

Turnbull's chance for a fresh start

Malcolm Turnbull will play the lead role in his own re-make of Mission Impossible in 2017, complete with a cast of villains and traitors and no end of unpredictable subplots.

'As an exemplar of calm reason and restraint, Peter Dutton is about as convincing as Tony Abbott would be leading ...

When words fail

Peter Dutton found himself in unfamiliar territory this week, cast as the victim of the "tricky language" of Bill Shorten.

The Turnbull Government's response this week to win over some of its backbenchers was to announce another inquiry.

Inside the Labor ambush

The plot was hatched under their noses, but they didn't see it coming. Not the ministers, who left the Parliament in blissful ignorance. Not the MPs, who did the same, or the party whips whose task is to instil discipline. And not the Prime Minister or his chief tactician, Christopher Pyne.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Coalition, Hawks - nothing in common

Let's rewind the clock. It's the Tuesday before polling day and Tony Nutt, Malcolm Turnbull's campaign director, rings his Labor counterpart with an offer George Wright could not refuse: a final leaders' debate on prime time TV.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

A glimpse of the inner Malcolm

There has been much discussion this past six months about whether we have been seeing "the real Malcolm" or a politician who has traded convictions and adopted a more conservative stance to secure the prime ministership.

Image: Jim Pavlidis

Punishment by proxy

The danger is that immense damage will be done to communities served by the CFA by pitting professional against volunteer.