

Here's how to take back Christmas from the politically correct brigade

Few things say Christmas quite like a rant by 2GB broadcaster Ray Hadley about how political correctness has ruined Christmas.

It is such a reliable fixture on the conservative end-of-year agenda that it should be included in advent calendars.

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It makes my blood boil: Dutton

One of Christmas' biggest fans is Peter Dutton and he says not singing carols at end of year school concerts is "political correctness gone mad." Courtesy 2GB.

The 10th day before Christmas? Gather around, children! Let's peel back a little cardboard window for a bitter-tasting homily about how left-wingers have removed Jesus from the story and want to wish us Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas – the monsters.

And lo, it has come to pass.

On Thursday Hadley took a call on air from "Jim" from Queensland.

Like the archangel Gabriel, except decidedly more Queensland in his enunciation, Jim delivered his tidings.


He had attended his grandchild's end-of-year school celebration, and "there was not one Christmas carol … and the last song was We Wish You a Happy Holiday to the words (sic) of We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

Hadley invoked the name of the Lord.

"Oh gawd," he said.

"Well mate, it's some left-wing teachers … who make a decision on the rest of the community.

"It's insulting, it's demeaning and it's a farce."

And then, in what must surely be one of modern psychology's best examples of projection, Hadley accused these teachers of "caus[ing] division in the community".

As Jim was speaking, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was waiting on the line, like a patient elf.

This act of Christmas denialism had occurred in Dutton's own electorate of Dickson and Hadley wanted his views.

Dutton, a proud enemy of political correctness, was horrified by what he heard.

"I was in a good mood. I was happy, keen to come and have a good chat to you," he told Hadley.

"You make my blood boil with these stories. It is political correctness gone mad and I think people have just had enough of it."

Political Correctness Gone Mad (PCGM) is the hard right's version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and every year it is invoked, with horrifying examples given to prove our Judeo-Christian traditions are being sidelined in favour of a pantheistic mish-mash where Buddha is as good as Santa, and all the Christmas hams are halal.

Every year PCGM is decried based on one or two examples, usually Christmas decorations that fail to mention Christ, or institutions like the blameless public school that Hadley shamed on radio, despite Jim from Queensland stating that the school "did specifically say it wasn't a Christmas end-of-year break-up".

Would it be churlish to point out that Hadley's Christmas spirit seems to desert him at other times during the year? That he shows little Christian charity January through November, when delivering diatribes against Muslims, refugees and welfare malingerers?

That Dutton sounded a little Grinch-like himself, when he told broadcaster Paul Murray in May, that refugees "would be taking Australian jobs", and at the same time "languish in unemployment queues and on Medicare and the rest of it so there would be huge cost"?

Would it be churlish to also point out that the diversion of Christmas away from the story of Jesus probably began about the 4th century after his death, with a Greek bishop called Saint Nicholas who liked to give gifts to kiddies?

And that since that time, the festival of Christmas has been a constantly evolving thing that people in free, secular societies such as ours are free to celebrate in any way they like?

It has been a long time since I studied my Bible but, like many people, I learnt my Christmas stories mostly from singing carols.

And working from a carols-based knowledge of the nativity story, we know that Jesus' parents were poor people living in the Middle East, looking for a place of refuge in a time of upheaval.

They were turned away by many people until a kind stranger took them in. Soon after Jesus' birth, his parents had to flee a murderous dictator (King Herod) who ordered the killing of all infants in the area.

Bethlehem, in the modern-day Palestinian territory of the West Bank, is about 700 kilometres from Aleppo, where tens of thousands of civilians are, at the time of writing, fleeing after a sustained siege from the government forces of another pitiless dictator, President Assad.

Assad has shown he is happy to inflict unspeakable amounts of suffering on his own people in pursuit of the Islamic State terrorists who threaten his power.

One of Tony Abbott's last acts as prime minister was to announce Australia would take in an extra 12,000 Syrian refugees on top of our usual humanitarian intake.

So far only a quarter of that number has been brought to Australia, prompting a coalition of humanitarian groups to issue a statement urging the government to hurry, because lives are at stake.

It is within Minister Dutton's power to hurry this process, and to argue to his Prime Minister that Australia should accept more refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict. Canada has taken 25,000 people.

Ray Hadley could help the cause by building public support for it.

That would be even more Christmassy than a whole evening's worth of carols put on at a primary school in Queensland, or anywhere.