Belfast, IE
Botanic Gardens

Stronger Than Fear in Belfast
Second night in Belfast, closing with 'Bad' and '40'. (Enough said.)

'Raised by wolves
Stronger than fear
Raised by wolves
We were raised by wolves
Raised by wolves
Stronger than fear
If I open my eyes,
You disappear...'

Powerful new visuals for Sunday Bloody Sunday and Raised by Wolves among the highlights on the second night in Belfast.
'This song has been one of the tour highlights for me.' tweeted @AndrewDowlking84  'Really understand the raw element of the album when hearing this song live.'

Out of Control was back in the set tonight, after missing six shows, according to @U2gigs, who also noted that the last time time the band played more than one show in Belfast was back on the War Tour. In fact it was 36 years and four days ago that the band first played this city, at Queens University, their first show outside of the Republic of Ireland, when they were on the bill with  poet Patrick Fitzgerald and, headline act, Squeeze, featuring Jools Holland.

That was even before October, which, tonight, became the most performed track from October (@U2gigs again). But we're jumping ahead of ourselves, can't fail to mention the wonderful Veronica, from U2Chile, who was up on stage to dance through Mysterious Ways and followed by Paco and Alex, two guitar playing brothers from Mexico who led the band through Angel of Harlem.

'Streets' really took off tonight, from the moment Bono introduced it as a prayer, 'that we don't turn into a monster to defeat a monster.'

'I will never listen to where the streets have no name in the same way again after last night, said @Sarah_Mawhinnery. 'UNBELIEVABLE'

For some this was a night to top every night.  

'@U2 #U2ieTour @SSEBelfastArena. The single best gig that I have ever been to. Thank you for tonight @U2' (@wstrain85)

'From entrance to encore. Amazing show. Expectations exceeded!' (@dmccormick77)

The press seem to agree, as the Irish Daily Mail put it, 'There was simply nothing old or hackneyed about this show and new bands could learn a trick or two from the sensational production values. And thanks to a giant  mobile screen, the band once again brought a live concert experience to a new level.'

Or The Irish Daily Mirror:  'From the time the first chord is struck until the last note is played, fans will be captivated by a mesmerising performance that's a lot of fun. While the visuals and lighting effects are spectacular, most of the messages are in the music, the songs from the 80s right up until the present day which still speak to fans old and new. This is a perfect performance from band on form at the top of their game.' 

If you were there tonight post your own thoughts and add your photos below.

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Belfast 2

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Belfast 2

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Mysterious Ways - Dancing on U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE



18 August, 2016
What a thrill !
No doubt this was an awesome night that surpassed all my expectations ! Its great to see others thought the same also. So, thanks to the gang at "Rockies" who made us feel right at home - those Canada Flags blew us away ! Any U2 concert is always a blast - the combined experience in Belfast was incredible from start to finish. Thank you Thank you Ireland and U2 - I can't wait to come back.
22 January, 2016
Mr and Mrs Mäkinen
Came from Finland to see your concert! Long trip, but worth of it! Thaks you the whole Band and crew - you were great! We tried to get tickets Dublin, but happy to got them to Belfast. We visited in Dublin next three days after that. We hope to see U2 in Finland in future. Marko & Sanna Mäkinen
23 November, 2015
Yet another fantastic show and thee best show out of the 2 for me!! Was present on the previous show on the 18th and this show on the 19th. Epic ending as well with Bad and 40! Was wishing they'd do that as they did in Glasgow!! Was in the seats tonight in south side with a friend (left from centre, closer to e-stage) and visually, it was stunning!!! I got to take EVERYTHING in! Again, I really can't put it all into words at the moment. It was just freaking epic!!! To get the best overall experience on this tour, in the stands (North or South) is the place to be!! Believe me!!! I consider myself to be a GA person, but on this tour, buying seats is the best thing to do!! I'd recommend buying seats or if you do multiple shows, mix it up like I did over the 2 Belfast shows to get a feel of everything. Seen some familiar faces again. Glad to have bumped into Robert again ( mate I'm not stalking you! We have to stop meeting like this!!) Elva who I met again also and Elizabeth who I met along with Derek! Yes Derek!! What a pleasure and honour to have met you my friend!! Co-admins in the heart of Belfast together at last!! You legend ya!! So pleased you popped up North to catch the band and did tell you to get your ass up as you wouldn't regret it!! Can't believe I met you and chatted to you for a good bit. It was an honour to have met use all in Belfast and glad I spoke to use among others as well. U2 fans are top class people. Friendly, caring, helpful are just some of the things to describe the fanbase. U2 fans are a unique bunch of people. Just saying!! I managed to say hello to young Paco and spoke with his Dad too. Was so damm pleased that young Paco got onto the stage with his brother. It was a magical moment for both of them particularly Paco who is a little star. Belfast audience greeted them with chanting of "Ole Ole Ole". You know the Irish are in town when that chant begins!!! Also caught some of U2's crew team, but wasn't lucky in seeing any band members. I know Bono arrived quite late than usual, but hopefully next time I'll get to see you Bono, Edge, Larry, Adam!! Walking home again today having a bigger high than the previous night's show. The 2 shows were just awesome, top-class shows. Amazing! Truly!! Again the intimacy inside the SSE Arena was excellent with the fans seemly to be more louder tonight than last night! Atmosphere was insanely great!! It's small too the SSE Arena. Holds 10,000 to 11,000 or so which is likely to be the lowest capacity arena on this tour. A perfect type of venue for U2 to play in and which they simply must come back too!! Thanks again to all the people who I met and chatted too over the 2 Belfast shows. Sorry to anyone who I didn't catch over the 2 Belfast shows. Would have loved to met others, but next time I hope! I hope it's not too long to have the opportunity to do it all over again. Finally, thank you to U2 for giving me a mind blowing experience which will live on within me till I die!! Mid 50's and still at the top of their game AND changing the game in how we see music live. The last of the rockstars they are! Please, please U2, don't make it another 18 years. You must keep Belfast in your mind on future tours. Atmosphere was electric and think use all enjoyed the occasion too, so who not! A truly mind blowing experience and a electrifying 2nd show + 1st show too. Hope to witness use guys again some time soon AND hopefully back in Belfast also!! Rock on U2!!
21 November, 2015
beutiful gigs
Exciting, unusual and brilliant show . Thank you For all . A Beautiful day is the right name of this night and also my 50th birthday gift.
21 November, 2015
Wow...what a night ....magic
This was my 7th show this tour, and every time I think I've seen the best night so far, it just gets better. Thought Turin was brilliant, but this was "awesome" !!! Gonna be hard to beat this night even with hometown shows in Dublin coming up. The boys were on top form and seem to be enjoying themselves more as the tour goes on. Well done Belfast, you've set a very high bar for Dublin to get over............
20 November, 2015
A Sort of Homecoming...
A great night of music, particularly loved the bespoke Belfast visuals and Streets/Bad really got the place jumping. Had a father & son standing in front of us, generations apart but both dancing like lunatics! Maybe the beer, more likely the music.
20 November, 2015
U2 Bercy Paris
Merci pour ce beau spectacle
Mick Winters
20 November, 2015
First show for 6 year old Ellen
Amazing first show for my 6 year old daughter Ellen. She sang and danced the whole night.
20 November, 2015
So sweet Bono with Paco and Alex from Me
It took this photograph last night in Belfast on 19th of November 2015. It was great to see all the boys jamming together ;) wonderful moment for everyone.
19 November, 2015
Belfast Night 2
What a night with a very special ending indeed !
10 November, 2015
Count Down
Can not wait. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!
28 September, 2015
Bucket List
I saw the show in Toronto which was fabulous and since my daughter is at school in U.K. these home shows triggered a "must see for me ". So I am thrilled to my bones to bring my daughter along for this amazing opportunity - you can't put a price on memories, they are forever !
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