Koln, DE

Champagne Moment in Köln

'I know a girl
A girl called Party, Party Girl
I know she wants more than a party, Party Girl
And she won't tell me her name...'

Can't go wrong with Party Girl, first time out on this leg of the tour and only the fourth outing since 2006 (thanks @U2gigs). 

Always a champagne moment and with the band joined by an additional guitarist from the audience (@Bonojour it turns out), the song finished with Bono cracking open a bottle of bubbly and serving the drinks.

'Party Girl put fire in the band!' adds @U2BRASIL. And the audience is aswering in the same way! What a night in Koln...'

'@bonojour Extra special when a plan comes together.. like it seems to have done for you tonight.' tweeted @U2Community  'Well done that party girl :) #U2ieTour'

Bit of a party all night long actually, and maybe U2's longest ever live set in terms of number of songs. That's the word from Zoo Fan Site Of The Week @U2Gigs (them again) and they got a stat no one was expecting - 27 songs. Seems that's a first.

Another rarity - the second performance in 3 nights for Out Of Control - and another, an earpiece malfunction in I Will Follow.  Cheers for Rocko as he sorts it out.

'Our time in your city has been short but very sweet, an amazing time. Last night was one of the most special nights we've ever had. Anywhere. And that was just a warm up for tonight! We'd like to start by taking you to our home town, to the North Side of Dublin…'

Sixtieth performance of Raised By Wolves tonight and @SilRigote nailed it on twitter: 'You know those days when all you need is a song to free you from nasty energy? RAISED BY WOLVES. Never fails.'

Ellen was the Meerkat girl and if she looked familiar, that's because she was up on stage last week too - in Antwerp. 'I knew she'd make it back home.'

'I feel like @AppMeerkat for @U2 is the reason why phones were made.' tweeted @Born4Bliss.

The band were sensing the vibes too: 'Weddings... funerals... bar-mitzvahs. Allow us a moment to be festive and thank you for some incredible shows here in your country. Tonight alongside the best of them…'

'I've seen every U2 tour since 1983 and the current tour is one of the very best,' tweeted @NYCelticSoul. 'The intimacy created every night is unparalleled.'

'October. A song of iNNOCENCE. Bullet The Blue Sky. A song of eXPERIENCE. Zooropa. A song of aSCENT #WhatDOYouWANT #U2ieTour #PlaceCalledHome' (@_Bigwave_)

Birthday greetings to Bill Gates in Beautiful Day and a special rendition of Happy Birthday before Mother and Child Reunion.

And surely the finest way to finish any U2 show - Bad followed by 40. (Unless you know different…)

'40 ends this amazing night in Cologne. Party Girl, Bad, 3 songs on the E-stage…what a night, what a show.' (@U2start)

'sitting on the ground crying...too many emotions...thank you U2' (@moreno75)

'What a show in Koln .... surprises extra songs and more i wish this tour last forever' (@metsfanmx)

Were you at the second night in Köln ? What was your favourite moment? The song you'll never forget?Add your own  comments and post your photos below.

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Koln 2

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Koln 2

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Mysterious Ways - Dancing on U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE



20 March, 2016
My favourite ....
28 October, 2015
Highlight ArjenLofty
How close can you get?
24 October, 2015
What a night, what a city, what a band..
The show on Oct 18th was the last of my 6 U2ie shows and I couldn't have hoped for a better end of "my" tour. One week after the concert I still feel the magic of that night. The show on the 17th was already really great - the audience in Cologne was brilliant (wouldn't have guessed that my "hometown" crowd would (imo) top the Spanish crowd in Barcelona). and the band really was on fire. I loved the surprises during the 2nd show- Party Girl as a special treat was so much fun & when I was finally able to hear BAD/40 live during my 19th U2 show I had tears in my eyes and me and my friends couldn't stop screaming and singing loudly w/ the crowd. Bono, Larry, Adam, The Edge thanks for two magnificent and special nights, esp. for BAD & 40 ;) & I hope you won't wait another 14 years to come back to Cologne!
23 October, 2015
my 5th and nearly the best...
Never thought that 360 could be topped.... but both nights at cologne where incredible.... especially sunday night... so happy to have tickets for dublin... it will be my first time to see the boys at dublin... i think that will be the moment, when i'll get down on my knees.... looking forward for the 28th of novmeber.... Bono, Edge, Adam & Larry: thank you for those incredible moments, this awesome music and this absolutely undescribeable live-moments and feelings at your shows.....#U2forever
23 October, 2015
Third show
Third out of five shows (Chicago, Amsterdam, Cologne, Paris and Dublin) The absolute highlight.... Bad/40! Berry van welzen
22 October, 2015
U2 Cologne 2015-10-18
22 October, 2015
Best U2 concert of the seven I've seen
Saw a couple crying together after the show. I didn't, but Bad wasn't at all bad, it channeled out some personal Bad feelings of the past two months. I actually went down on my knees when I recognized Bad on the first few notes. Not to pray though. Turns out I seen Bad live before, in 2001 in Arnhem, but don't recall that. I think they keep Bad for these kind of evenings, when they are at 200% (normally already at 125% effort). I had a headache from the shivers down my spine afterwards, that intense it was. I apped a friend during Bad but couldn't type. Saturday my brother and I were in Cologne already and I had to defend myself for a) going to that bunch of greedy fuckers b) going to U2 while the core of my musical taste is hardcore and metal these days. Fuck all of those negative people. You move on in life but never forget your first love, do you?
21 October, 2015
Magic night in Cologne, Germany
It was one of these moments, a band and the audience is looking for. The concert on sunday was the result of the incredible saturday night. On saturday, October 17th 2015 the band and the audience opened the door for an perfect gig and on sunday both went through. I´m thankful for being part of those two magical nights.
20 October, 2015
Thank You
This is what I love so much about U2. After every show I feel like wanting to CHANGE the world into a better place to live...for everyone. Thanks for Berlin, Paris and Cologne ......and if the rumors are true they will finally come to Hamburg!!! Hometown! Edge inside of the screen playing his UTEOTW solo....priceless.... People have the POWER!!!
20 October, 2015
I'll be back... see U2 again ;-)). It was my 6th show since 2001 and it was a fantastic show... my best one after Dublin 2009...
19 October, 2015
Visiting a U2 concert for the first time
For ever unforgettable!!
19 October, 2015
what a night, what a show
Third and last time on this tour and my 13th show total, tonight the band knocked me out with this awesome track-list! :-) All those songs I wished sooo much for have been played tonight, from Out Of Control (that song, that madee a U2-Fan when hearing it for the first time as a 16 year old boy in 1989) to Desire, than the first surprise, Party Girl, wich I've seen the third time since since the Vertigo-Tour (remember: statistcs says it has been played only four times since then, so what a luck I've had ;-), and with a guest out of the Fans on Guitar and turning into Angel Of Harlem, wich was sung half times louder by the crowd then by Bono :-D But what me totally got freaking out was the encore, wich included a boy, who had the unexpected luck to sing with Bono City Of Blinding Lights after that Bono has given him his sunglasses. The lucky guy seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by that :-) My personal never-ever-will-forget-moment came, when the first chimes of Bad came up, followed by 40.....These were the songs, I'd never seen live in all the times but were the songs I ever wished the most for. And tonight the wish became truth! The audience was even so amazed by that. If I am right, then this was the first time since 2001, that Bad and 40 have been played in Germany. THANK YOU U2 FOR THIS UNFORGETTABLE NIGHT, FOR THE SHOW AND FOR THE BEST TRACKLIST IN THIS TOUR. MAYBE THE BEST TRACKLIST EVER!
18 October, 2015
Thank you for my birthday party tonight
I just came home from Cologne, what a wonderful, wonderful show. Apparently I share my birthday with Bill Gates ;) Best birthday I ever had, because I could spend it with you Guys. THANK YOU for this special evening. Christina, who was only a little disappointed of the red zone. It was not what the arena / eventim promised us it would be. But I had nice people around me and some of the BEST music, so what ;)
18 October, 2015
Best tour
Ever since seeing you in Montreal for three nights and following every city since every show is reborn again and feels like that first night. Montreal loves you and truly wants to see you soon. Thank you for all you do anxiously waiting for the new album and a tour Great 2 nights in Koln.
18 October, 2015
Köln Sunday
Incredible night...desire, angel, party girl, bad, 40...un*uckable ☺
14 October, 2015
Looking forward to see U2 along with my FORTUNATE SON, who turns 18 on Oct. 18Th!!! What a BEAUTIFUL DAY to come! He`s a teenager coming of age, somtimes OUT OF CONTROL, sometimes an ANGEL (of Harlem), but never BAD. May he ALWAYS master his life, eventually in MYSTERIOUS WAYS parents not always understand, may he be seeking for new horizons and wander WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME, and may he one day be looking back to his life with PRIDE. In the name of our EVERLASTING LOVE he will always remain the ONE for us!!! Many thanks to my dearly beloved daughter, this SWEETEST THING on earth, she's EVEN BETTER THAN THE REAL THING, our TREASURE! We will be at the show ALL BECAUSE OF YOU. She won two tickets at WDR2, and gave them away to us as a gift. We will PARTY GIRL, and sing along and dance for you!
08 December, 2014
Fantastically will see you again
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