Barcelona, ES
Palau Sant Jordi

'Tonight this city belongs to me...'
'Want to come up dude?’ Night two in Spain and Angel of Harlem in the house. 

'New York like a Christmas tree
Tonight, this city belongs to me,

Barcelona actually, but who's checking? What a night... and by the way, who said it was Tuesday?
'This feels like the best Saturday night ever,' as Bono put it after Harry stepped off the stage, following a very accomplished guest guitar slot for Angel of Harlem.
'Very cool Harry, very relaxed...'

Bit of a backstory to this. Harry (@harrykantas), originally from Greece, now living in Dublin and part of the @u2wanderer team, was fulfilling a longtime ambition to play on stage with the band last night.

'I picked up a guitar at age 16, with the intention of one day playing with @U2.' he tweeted.'I didn't know how I'd make that happen.'

It was obviously meant to be. Outside the venue,  before the showt, he tweeted a photo wearing Bono shades. 'Does putting B's shades on give me his powers? I'll do the show tonight, send in ur #U2Request'

Last week his wife Amra found herself on stage to dance in Mysterious Ways, so no pressure for Harry  when after a snatch of  'Love Me Do', following Desire, Bono saw the sign.

'There's a guitar player over there.. you wanna come up dude? What's your name? Harry the guitar player. Do you know the chords of Angel Of Harlem?'

As it happened, he did and he pulled off his performance with aplomb. Edge gave him the guitar for keeps and  everybody was pleased for him.

'Great job Harry! A fantastic experience! I wanna see that guitar when I come to Dublin City! cheers friend.' (@KevinS2U)

'Yessssss!!! @harrykantas On The Stage!! #spanishmafia #U2 #U2ieTour #U2barcelona2 @U2_ultraviolet viva #barcelona!!!'  (@U2Valencia)

'Boy learns guitar. Girl learns 2 dance. Meet. Kiss. Marry. This week they joined the band. #ChooseJoy @harrykantas @U2_ultraviolet #U2ieTour' (@_Bigwave_)

It was a great night for Harry - how was it for you? Were you at the second show in Barcelona?  Add your own comments and photos below.

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Barcelona 2

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Barcelona 2

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Mysterious Ways - Dancing on U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE



09 October, 2015
Tremendous night!
Thanks again! has been like watching a good friend after a season. There have been plenty of past revive feelings in the present. Thanks Larry, Edge, Adam and Bono for a new experience etched in my heart. Hasta la vista amigos! Love from Barcelona
07 October, 2015
I had booked my tics for the show at Palau San Jordi in december 2014, but in August, in broke my leg in a motorcycle accident from which I'm recovering and therefore coulnd't attempt yesterday's show! It's a great pity to me - especially as I read that "Zooropa", one of my favs, had been played... Lesson learnt: I quit motorcycling, buy a stable car and join the next possible show of U2!
06 October, 2015
U2 Barcelona 2015 5 de octubre
Aquest es un missatge que he penjat en el meu faceebook, tampoc vull faltar el respecte a ningú però m'agradaria expresarme amb el meu idioma. Es fa molt difícil descriure el viscut, vist i sentit ahir al Palau Sant Jordi... El que no tinc dubte és que els U2 és un dels millors grups del món en tocar en directe... Són molt grans. Gràcies nois per un altre cop donar-me una nit inoblidable de música... Sí, sí música. Estic molt orgullós de ser un fan vostre. Moment, gallina de piel, tothom, tothom, cantant One a capella acompanyats per al The Edge amb la guitarra. Per un cop en la meva vida maleeixo no tenir suficients diners per anar als 4 concerts que faran. Bé després de recorda aquest orgasme musical d'unes dues hores quaranta minuts, us dono el set list d'ahir....eiii!!!!!, per concerts anteriors, hi ha una base però també hi ha molta rotació: 1. The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone) 2. The Electric Co. 3. Vertigo 4. I Will Follow 5. Iris (Hold Me Close) 6. Cedarwood Road 7. Song for Someone 8. Sunday Bloody Sunday 9. Raised by Wolves 10. Until the End of the World The Fly (Remix) 11. Invisible 12. Even Better Than the Real Thing 13. Mysterious Ways 14. Elevation 15. Sweetest Thing 16. Every Breaking Wave 17. October 18. Bullet the Blue Sky 19. Zooropa 20. Where the Streets Have No Name 21. Pride (In the Name of Love) 22. With or Without You Encore: 23. City of Blinding Lights 24. Beautiful Day 25. One (Preceded by 'Mother and Child Reunion' snippet') Fins la propera
Roberto Silva
05 October, 2015
Flying from Lisbon tomorrow
Can't wait!
01 October, 2015
It'll be a beautiful day! Let's rock!
07 December, 2014
Wow u2
05 December, 2014
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