Berlin, DE
Mercedes-Benz Arena

'Last night was strong but I can see tonight is going to be even stronger,' said Bono, catching his breath after  The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone), Electric Co, Vertigo and I Will Follow.

'Berlin knows what to do on a Friday night.
Berlin knows what to do with the Irish cousins...'
And Berlin is also host to a special anniversary tonight, marked with respect to Herr Mullen, for 'making that great invitation to us, thirty nine years ago... wow!'

Bono returned to the theme introducing Every Breaking Wave.
'I saw that notice and I wanted to be in a band but I didn't think I could be but a friend of mine, Reggie Manuel, the Cocker Spaniel, talked me into it and took me to Larry Mullen's house on his motorbike.
Reggie Manuel, the Cocker Spaniel, is in Berlin tonight and I want to sing this song for him…'

Good to have Reggie in the house tonight and good to have another special guest appearance - underlining the Achtung Baby Berlin vibe in his slicked back hair, devil horns and gold lame suit, and grooving all the way down the stage for Mysterious Ways. 
'Wow Mr Macphisto, haven't seen him in a while...'

'Cool to see another Bono impersonator onstage, this time Mr. Macphisto!' posted @restlessmelody. 'That's awesome wish he was onstage longer, was fun to see.'

Great job by Eduardo, in his CoeXisT t-shirt, shooting Desire for the meerkat moment and soon we're into the spine-tingling sequence that is October, Bullet, Zooropa, Streets and Pride. Good point by @U2gigs: 'We creep ever closer to hearing October in October.'

Special intro to Beautiful Day, as Bono prepares to fly to New York.  'Well tonight, as we sing, as we pray, world leaders at the United Nations are adopting some new Global goals & it's a big deal' (@atu2)

There's a hint of Moment of Surrender as Beautiful Day ends - and it's another night in Berlin where we all surrendered to the music.

If you were at the second night in Berlin, tell us what it was like - add your own comments and photos here.

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Berlin 2

Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Berlin 2

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Mysterious Ways - Dancing on U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE



09 October, 2015
Oh Berlin
Coming from Austria, I was lucky to attend this magical U2 show in Berlin. With Bono remembering the first rehearsal in Larry´s kitchen exactly on that day 39 years ago, the festive mood made me feel much gratitude that this incredible band is still with us. This night was really special and it was overwhelming to experience another U2 adventure together with an enthusiastic crowd. With its homage to punk, The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) and the raw energy of tracks like The Electric Co led us back to the band´s early days. From Berlin U2 took us to Dublin and Cedarwood Road that was visualised with stunning images. While listening to the passionate music I realised how Bono became part of the artwork as he stood between the two sides of the screen. Without doubt, Iris (Hold Me Close) belonged to me most moving songs. When I saw Bono kneel on the walkway while dedicating these lines to his mother I had tears in my eyes. With the screen conjuring up images of the Berlin Wall, these great visuals were so suitable for a city shaped by division and reunification.Tracks like Mysterious Ways and the appearance of a man dressed as MacPhisto created a reference to the band´s remarkable artistic innovation in the early 90s. Moving around on the stages and walkway, U2 built up a beautiful connection to the audience. Once again, the extraordinary energy of these four musicians playing together brought me much happiness.
04 October, 2015
Thank you!
What a night! Thank you so much for this awesome show. Hope you will come back next year. Please!!!
29 September, 2015
One of the best shows
What do you want? --> A place called HOME! One of the best shows with the right mix of songs (striving all major stations of U2) and the right up to date messages (#refugeesWelcome, @RED). Hopefully you will come back to Germany next year (preferably to Munich).
27 September, 2015
My fifth concert. First time in Berlin. One of the best experiences ever. Wonderful with so much of the old material. Had a huge smile on my face all evening and had to wipe a tear or two from my cheeks. Absolutely amazing! Loved every moment.
26 September, 2015
Berlin 2nd
Very great show. Waiting for the next shows. Would like to hear that same part of Zooropa, but after this part the full Song. Come on guys, dream out loud
25 September, 2015
Just a few notes to save the day
My week: long. My day: even longer. My two boys: throwing haymakers at eachother in the driveway, for no good reason as far as I can tell. Then the first few notes of "I Fall Down" on the radio, outta no where! (God I love being surprised like that) Thanks U2.
21 September, 2015
Dear U2 Friends !
25th Spet is your 39 anni ...and my wife's and mine 5th Wedding anni - please play "Stay" ?
15 September, 2015
Happy B-day:)
This night it is 39 years ago since the band was gathering in Larry`s kitchen, and a musical sphere had started. We look forward to celebrate in Berlin. Happy B-day the Larry Mullen band/Feedback/the Hype/U2:)
30 August, 2015
Arena floor size
I think in US are bigger arenas than most in EU.
26 August, 2015
Q: Arena Floor Size
Does anyone know if the number of fans on the arena will be similarly intiment (~800 people per side), as in the US tour?
04 December, 2014
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