Boston, MA, US
TD Garden

A Satellite of Love in Boston
Mixing up the set list, thirty years after Live Aid.

'Are we family here or not? Are we going to get out of control or not? 
We were and we did.'

'Whoo! Mad Drumming! Out Of CONTROL” tweeted @madfl3a & from the floor.  @bethandbono agreed: 'Best live performance of Out Of Control I’ve ever heard'.

'This has got to be one of the highest energy shows of the tour..' That was the verdict from @chrisleclere on twitter and he's been to a few. 

This was Boston, night two and as Bono put it, after a call and response version of I Will Follow, 'last night we had a great time but it turns out that it was just a warm up for tonight... 'cus we're in Boston, more Irish than any city in Ireland.'

Here's some of our highlights - if you were at the show or following online, add your own review or photo at the link below.

Groovy moves from Michelle, up on stage for Mysterious Ways, and then in charge of the global broadcast for Desire and  the Meerkat moment.  'If there’s any wall between ‘us’ and ‘them’, we want this technology to just take it away.. we are one and the same… these are our people… we are their people… we are one. And the same.'

Enter Brian, who looked the happiest kid on earth, hauled up to play guitar for Angel of Harlem. His beaming smile lit up the house - and at the end he couldn't quite believe it as, when Bono helping him off with the guitar, had a sudden thought. 'I might have to take that back young man… actually I’m not taking it back… it's for you.'

Special moment in Bad  and special memories, channelling the spirit of Lou Reed with a Walk On The Wild Side and a Satellite of Love. Remembering  this Saturday thirty years ago:
'We found ourselves on a stage, Wembley Stadium, in London, and … Live Aid. We played this song… we never got to finish our set…Lou Reed was watching the television that day… he heard us singing. That concert went on to save many lives… and gave us extra purpose as a band.'

Anyone predicting the set list last night... got it wrong. The band completely mixed it up. One closed the night, first time on tour it's been performed on three consecutive shows. 'Boston is singing One even louder tonight.' tweeted @atu2comsherry. ' Sorry night 1. This one’s cranked up to 11.'

Were you at the second show in Boston? What were your special moments? Post your own review and add your photos below.

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Mysterious Ways - Dancing on U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE



29 July, 2015
First time, but FAR from last
U2 was at the top of my "to see" list for years and let me just say it was worth the wait!! I told my husband " if I hear Desire and Bullet the Blue Sky I will lose my mind". So, when I heard Desire I was pretty happy. Then that bass came up for Bullet and the whole venue went ballistic! Letting that young man play guitar was a genuine moment that probably changed his life, and Michelle got to dance to Mysterious Ways (jealous!!). Thank you for putting thought into the Boston show - Irish theme and Boston Strong (with mention of Ferguson, Charleston, etc.) Thank you!!!!!!
17 July, 2015
Mysterious Ways
I'll never forget this moment! Thank you Bono for a memory I will always hold close to my heart. ❤️ Michelle
15 July, 2015
Finally she made love Jennife
We were at both Friday and Saturday shows in Boston. The sound on Saturday was much cleaner and the energy was extraordinary. The love of my life, Jennifer, had never been to a U2 show and has RELIGIOUSLY listened to them for over 31 years. I mean literally daily. We fall asleep to their songs playing nightly. This was a surprise birthday gift I have wanted to give her since we first met almost 4 years ago. It has been her dream to see them live and it finally happened. I've been to many concerts and I can tell you that Saturday night was simply sublime. The energy in that building was incredible. We were directly on the rail on the floor and Edge acknowledged my sign a quote from a Clash song...... because he is my guitar hero. I'm quite sure he got the reference. Would've loved to play rhythm for them for a song or two....maybe someday. My Stratocaster only knows u2 songs!!!! I made another sign asking them to please invite Jennifer up on stage to celebrate with them....if anyone has earned it in life it is my beautiful wife. U2 has been her most loyal of friends for decades and it all came to life this past weekend. They've been with her through a lot in life and a steady voice she could count on when she needed it. I thank them for that. I've never seen her so overcome with joy and she finally experienced U2 live....and that makes me so happy. Thank you guys....We will see you in NYC this weekend on 7/18 (floor)....and if that wasn't enough I emptied our bank account and bought floor tickets for 7/26 and 7/27 as well. We are beyond excited. Edge, if you see this....I want you to know you that I think you are the most inventive guitarist and trying to emulate your sound is such a fun challenge. Look for your sign....we will be there my friend. Bono, if you can invite Jennifer on'd be making her most memorable month in life even more memorable. The appreciation would be beyond words. Bless you all for what you do and have done.....and for the inherent passion in which you do it!!!! On behalf of my love Jennifer.....and myself..... Thank you!!!!!!! David C
14 July, 2015
3rd Time is the charm
What a awesome show in Boston at the TD Garden. After seeing 2 shows of the 360 word tour this was my first experience of a indoor U2 concert and the boy did not disappoint on Saturday night. And Thanks for making this Canadian Happy in signing Vertigo and The Streets have no Name!!! And it was well worth the 8 hour road trip to make it to Beantown!!! Thanks U2 and be safe the rest of the tour!!
14 July, 2015
Final Concert in Boston
I am so very excited to be going to see my band in Boston tomorrow!! U2 has been my favorite band forever & the connections are endless!! It was perfect that this tour kicked off on my birthday last May 14- I couldn't make the Vancouver trip but am grateful to be going to the last show in Boston!! I'm from Lil' Rhodey (RI) - the "Ocean State" where "Every Breaking Wave tells the next one there'll be one more"!! U2, you are musical geniuses & keep making more favorite songs for us!! I can listen to you forever!! Tons of Love, Lynn
14 July, 2015
Best Show in 30 Years
Sometimes things live up to the hype..most times they don't. Went into this show last seeing them in the summer of 2005 in NYC and it was a pretty decent show....but in U2 standards, that sucks. Went away thinking they were past their prime and became a money making juggernaut; not artists evolving their craft. Went into Saturday night's show with moderate expectations. More curious to see and hear what they've become in 10 years--also wasn't a huge fan of their new album (Droid man- so no Apple snark meant). Long story short..they absolutely tore the fucking roof off the place. My 12th show and easily topped Vertigo, Zoo TV, Pop tours collectively. My favorite show/s will always be my first 3 from The Unforgettable Fire, but Saturday night still leaves me with a sound and feeling I can't shake. Not only did they deliver and explode songs like Out of Control, I Will Follow, Bullet The Blue Sky like they were 25 years old, but getting a chance to really listen to their new material like Every Breaking Wave, Song For Someone, and Iris(Hold Me close) really hit home on many occasions. Like me, they have aged, and although Sunday Bloody Sunday/Bad was pure force, that was 30 years ago--when we were teenagers. Their older songs still play/stand the test of time, but dare I say there's a maturity, and introspective evolution I respect even more now because they really seem to know who they are. I liked to believe in my late teens when Bono brought up a kid from the audience to play Knockin' On Heaven's Door was a true moment. Bono made a statement to all of us in Hartford that night where he said "all of us were equal"; and he proved that by letting this kid play alongside the Edge and one by one the band left stage and it was only this kid--this 17 year old kid- playing to 16,000 screaming fans in one spotlight by himself. Point made. As you get older though, you get more hardened, more jaded, more cynical. Day-to-day life consumes you and you really do lose that innocence. Luckily I have a great memory and can remember these times; being 16 and sneaking out to see them, etc.. I can remember the facts, but what I couldn't recapture in my heart from that time was that feeling deep inside you that moved you. You think its impossible to ever feel that again..that deep moving feeling you were part of something. Singing "How Long...To sing this song?" in the streets of Hartford or New Haven along with 10000 other people who just didn't want to go home. Today..2015--you have your kids and your job and your bills and your social media and snippet politics and blah fucking blah about our freak-show world we greet every day. We've been Kardashian'd into a certain level of stupidity that could never appreciate what these four men have accomplished and certainly not experience what they give back as far as ideas, songs, causes, intelligence, sound, energy and a true sincerity rarely seen in my world, let alone in their industry of what must be dog-eat-dog x1000. I just want to say thank you to the band for Saturday night for giving me that feeling one more time in my life. Nothing beats getting married or the birth of your children or special times with family and friends. But U2 is, and has always been sorta mine since I was 14 years old. They speak to/and are very personal to me, and as far as moments in my life, I can and do reflect on Boy, October, War, Joshua Tree, Unforgettable Fire, etc. and it puts me in good and even bad places of all my life's experiences. I didn't know much about the recent album, but Bono told us about losing his mom and that's who Iris-Hold Me Close (his mom) was written for. The massive screen showing black and white home movies of her smiling, running around while he sang to her. I lost my mom--the cornerstone of our family, a year and a half ago and my heart was in my stomach, tears streaming down my face. His words..his voice--the pain in which he sang-- it was the sadness I felt the day I lost her and about the loss I still deal with each day. Picking up the phone and hanging it up forgetting in a split second she might be there and then remembering. U2 doesn't just say they are one of us. They are us and thank you for hanging around.
14 July, 2015
Sounded better than EVER... they never disappoint and THIS tour was amazing , ever since seeing them numerous times since 1987,i got to share this show GA with my daughter, her first U2show and now the fandom continues another generation,,,
14 July, 2015
Better than Ever
On point and best i have ever heard them since 87 ... congrats to the greatest LIVE band ever !!!
13 July, 2015
Awesome Night
This was my wife's Xmas present... a trip to Boston to see U2!!! You guys DID NOT disappoint. THANK YOU!!!
13 July, 2015
How does it just keep getting better?
This was my 6th show on the tour and each night just keeps getting better. It was special to be a part of the kick off shows in Vancouver. Each song was a surprise. Then Chicago 1 and 2 really kicked it up, amazing energy. But Boston 1 and 2 just got better each night, magical!! I'm not sure how U2 does it, but they've been able to re-make each night into something special. I go away from each show feeling like I've just been a part of the best show on the tour.
13 July, 2015
What a night!
Love this photo of Bono I took from Saturday night. Saw U2 for the first time on the "October" tour and I found Saturday night's show to be just as inspiring.
12 July, 2015
FATHER / SON could i have left this out of my post, enjoyed fri nt1 with 14 y/o son, such a great experience . Also , the overall show night 1 and the 4 song encore, puts it in my top 3 of all time out of 30+ shows.......Is it WED yet.......another beautiful day on the way ! peace. U2jerry
12 July, 2015
Boston 1&2
Just unreal as a lifelong fan 30 years and 30+ shows the energy, emotion, and passion they bring is amazing, hoping for BAD, my fav , got it two nights and two differnent versions...just AWSOME, yup our over used Ma. word !!!! we had 8 of us nt1, 14 nt 2, many first timers and they were blown away. Only gripe is short encore on second nt , only 2 songs, show 4 next for me Boston .
12 July, 2015
Amazing night!! Even high up in the balcony we felt a part of every minute (and EBW)!
12 July, 2015
Of my 30 or so shows since sept 1987 this is the first to make me feel like ZooTv and JT did. It was like U2 had technology to play with in years past, and have now learned to not only own the technology but paint themselves and the audience inextricably into one canvas. And to hear Lou Reed snippets during Bad on Live Aid's nearly 30th anniversary, simply epic.
12 July, 2015
2 Nights and I want more
2 nights, 2 different angles, 2 different vibes ONE AWESOME SHOW AFTER THE NEXT. Magnificent!
12 July, 2015
Great concert Friday and Saturday in '81 less than beer at gardens this wekend
12 July, 2015
U2 keep getting better
Amazing show! U2 play Acrobat in NYC July 23rd
11 July, 2015
That's My Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You U2 THE NIGHT OF OUR LIFE TONIGHT__ 31 Years of going to U2 shows- and A MIRACLE HAPPENED!!!! --We brought Lauren & Brian to their first show at TD Garden My son Brian got pulled up on the stage by Bono to play Angel of Harlem with the band -- when Bono asked - "Can you play Angel of Harlem?" Brian just started playing immediately & the crowd erupted----- you live for these moments-- you live through your kids & I don't have words to express how proud of him we are - how he handled himself & at the end of the song BONO GAVE BRIAN THE GUITAR TO KEEP--- Here he is on the BIG stage
11 July, 2015
I Have Seen U2 Every Tour Since The Joshua Tree Tour, and they never cease to amaze me. Every Show has something amazing to it, but this FULL WIDE SCREEN, BLEW ME AWAY, SO COOL, WHAT A SHOW! The Setlist was great, and they sounded so good. Met a man from Dublin (Sitting in the seat next to me) His first time in America to see the shows (he saw last nights show also) but he mentioned that when asked where would be the best USA City to see them, he was told BOSTON, he was amazed at the crowd.
10 July, 2015
Can't Wait
Tomorrow is the night! Haven't missed a tour since Popmart! This is going to be an amazing night! I once flew back to Boston when I lived in Hawaii to see these boys.
06 July, 2015
Would love to see "40" Saturday night in Boston! I finally saw "Bad" for the first time ever in Montreal last month - it was amazing! Next on my wish list is "40" - let's get the crowd singing it during the encore to persuade them to play it!!
06 June, 2015
Travelling to Beantown for a wicked Smah
I am driving down from the Moncton New Brunswick area to experience what i call the best band in the world. I have seen you twice in you 360° world tour in Montreal QC and Moncton NB. This show looks like it will be a awesome show. Can't wait to see Boston and cant wait until July.
27 May, 2015
Flying home for U2
I'm coming up from Fort Luaderdale to see the show. I haven't missed a tour since 1983. I'm a native to the Boston area and it's going to be great to see this show and visit family and friends.
04 December, 2014
Took a while but finally got through, ticketmaster was a big problem. Can't wait until the show!!!
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