Rugby League

Fronting up: Eddie Hayson at the Intercontinental's "Premier Room".

Even bad inside information can put you inside

Eddie Hayson is Australian sport's version of the Littlest Hobo. A coupla gorillas here; the odd free one at Hayson's former den of intrigue, for someone otherwise down on his luck.

Circling a Shark: Andrew Fifita has been issued a consorting notice by police.

Consorting with criminals law? Shoulder-charge rulings are easier to understand

It's inevitable, that you've already contracted the Zika virus from those bloodsucking South American mosquitoes, if you've just returned from traipsing through Rio, IN WINTER! Right, and To Kill a Mockingbird is a textbook on eliminating small birds. And, if you've ever dared visited a convicted killer who's banged up behind bars, that's 'consorting', and hence a criminal offence. RIGHT? Not exactly. 

Happy, but for how long?: Parramatta players celebrate a try against Canberra.

Why NRL should whack the Eels where it hurts

If it were my decision I'd whack the Parramatta Eels where it hurts. I'd whack the club with a fine, of a million plus the sum of the amounts by which the club has breached the salary cap over however many years prior.