
Man who racially abused PSO and train passenger he tried to rob avoids jail

A judge has expressed sympathy for a man who racially abused both a train passenger he tried to rob and the protective services officer who arrested him, sparing the offender a jail term.

Michael Smith, 28, was on a Cranbourne-bound train after midnight on March 23 last year when he pulled a knife on a young man and yelled: "Give me your phone, you black Indian, or I will kill you."

Smith swung the knife at the man and knocked the phone out of his hand, and the passenger backed away.

When both men got off the train at Cranbourne station, Smith threatened to kill the passenger if he spoke to two PSOs. But the
passenger alerted the officers, and as they arrested Smith, he spat in a PSO's face and yelled: "F--- you, black c---."

Smith, of Cranbourne, had downed a bottle of vodka before his offending after learning his father was seriously ill. He later pleaded guilty to attempted armed robbery, making a threat to kill, assaulting a PSO and resisting arrest.

On Friday, County Court judge Michael Bourke said Smith's offending was serious, disruptive, frightening and dangerous, and had left the passenger afraid to use his phone on the train and anxious about sitting near people.


But Judge Bourke said Smith had admitted responsibility early and was remorseful. A previous hearing was told he had later apologised to the PSOs.

Smith's low intellectual functioning, history of drug and alcohol abuse dating back to his teenage years and his mental-health problems had contributed to the dysfunction in his life, the judge said. "There is room for legitimately felt sympathy," he said.

He ordered Smith serve a two-year community corrections order comprising 200 hours of unpaid work, drug and alcohol counselling, a program aimed at reducing reoffending and supervision.

The father of two has prior convictions for violence, drugs and dishonesty offences, and Judge Bourke said he was not optimistic about his prospects for rehabilitation. But, he said, there was a public interest in focusing on his rehabilitation.