Federal Politics

MPs say Obeid sentence supports case for federal ICAC

The jailing of former NSW Labor MP Eddie Obeid underscores the case for a national anti-corruption body, federal MPs say.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale wrote to Labor leader Bill Shorten on Friday, calling for the pair to team up in 2017 and push for a federal ICAC-style body, a move the Greens have pushed for in the last three parliaments and under the last three leaders. 

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Obeid belongs in jail: Shorten

The corrupt former NSW State MP is where he belongs according to the Opposition Leader who has reiterated his call for a Federal anti corruption body. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Senator Di Natale said in the letter that, in the Obeid case, "justice was only able to be achieved through investigative journalism, and delivered for the citizens of NSW because they have an Independent Commission Against Corruption overseeing the NSW Parliament and public service".

"I note with interest that during previous years' debate on the Greens' National Integrity Commission Bill 2016, Labor members of Parliament had outright opposed the establishment of an institution to to oversee the Commonwealth jurisdiction. However, during last month's debate, Labor senators appear to have shifted their positions."

"The Greens welcome these indications of a change in position under your leadership . . . we are willing to work with Labor to make sensible amendments to our legislation and ensure its passage through the Senate . . . I look forward to further discussing how we can significantly improve public governance in this country with you."

A federal ICAC also has the support of crossbench Senate powerbroker Nick Xenophon, who said the federal Parliament could learn lessons from other jurisdictions and establish an effective anti-corruption body. 


"The sooner we do it, the better," he said.

"Of course, you need an inquiry. It's one of the steps that's needed to ensure the design of it. But in that case, the major parties haven't engaged to a real degree," he told Fairfax Media, accusing the Coalition and Labor of being "terrified" by the prospect of a new watchdog.

"Anyone who doesn't think corruption could happen at a federal level is deluded."

On Friday, Mr Shorten - who promised during the campaign to re-open the corruption watchdog Senate inquiry if Labor was elected - said he would be open to one "if Malcolm Turnbull is interested to work with me on that".

The inquiry would be "looking at the efficiency and effectiveness of what already exists at the national level and what improvements need to be made," he said.

On Thursday night, Labor MP Anne Aly strongly backed the introduction of a federal watchdog, saying she would welcome such the move because popular confidence in the political system was "something we need to treasure and something we need to protect".

Finance Minister and deputy leader of the government in the Senate Mathias Cormann said a "robust framework to fight corruption" was already in place federally.

"We don't believe that another bureaucracy is the way to go. We've just got to continue to strengthen the existing frameworks," he told Sky News.

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