What Is POP GEEK HEAVEN? (click here)

Music Discovery & What's New 'n Good


This is one of the most important zones in PGH. Information and news will posted here on a regular basis so check back often. Every month there will be a downloadable compilation of music in the power pop world.


Here’s where PGH brings back-stage, velvet rope and insider access to major projects going on in the power pop world and our own special programs, too. Works In Progress will bring you into the creative arc of a project – many times from the beginning to the end, other times we’ll join projects as they […]


PGH has partnered up with some of the most talented journalists and writers in power pop to bring members essays, feature-length articles and extended serialized explorations into arcane, unusual but always interesting subject matter that only power pop geeks would understand. PGH will deliver 6-10 exclusive articles each month, many months you’ll see more.


A few times a week, PGH will bring you exclusive interviews with new artists, past legends & other thought leaders in music. These interviews will be available on the site to read, as downloadable PDFs that you can print out and read later, as well as downloadable MP3s that you transfer to your favorite portable […]


We all have lingering questions and curiosities that can’t be satisfied. Our panel of experts will take your questions and attempt to find the answers. Some may require research, others will be answerable on the spot. Members can submit their questions via email but every 4-6 weeks, we’ll host a special webinar where we all […]


Something totally different – and cool! These are enlightening lessons on the sub-genres in ‘power pop’ – an interactive learning and music enjoyment experience! Each month, PGH will roll out a new class that explore in depth the intricacies, nuances and unknown stories connected to areas of interest to Pop Pioneers and fellow pop geeks […]

Power Pop Prime


IPO Interview: The Pickpockets

PGH is all about helping artists highlight their most recent projects, so let us all know what your latest project is – and tell us about how it come into the world. What has the initial feedback on it been like? Allen Duarte – bass & vox: We’re still in the early stages of getting […]



BLOODY RED BARON – September Reviews

BLOODY RED BARON September Reviews by Mike Baron SKELETON STAFF: Kurfurstendammned The autodidact and polymath Stanton Marriot, aka Skeleton Staff, has produced a rock opera about Weimar Germany that inevitably raises the specters of Cabaret and the Three Penny Opera. You expect Joel Grey to lead this ensemble, and it would work very well as […]


Pop Geek Podcast


PGH Exclusive Articles


ZAL YANOVSKY “Alive and Well in Argentia”   The Beatles were often compared to the Marx Brothers, especially after the release of their first feature film, A Hard Day’s Night. And while I don’t think the comparison is without merit, the closest thing to a Marx Brother in rock ’n’ roll, in my opinion, was […]

JANGLE ON – October

JANGLE ON! OCTOBER by Eric Sorsensen   In addition to the robust club scene in the Washington, D.C area, a growing number of music aficionados are opening their homes to fellow music enthusiasts by hosting house concerts.  I have attended live music events each of the past three weekends, and two of the three shows […]

LOST TREASURES – Picadilly Line

PICADILLY LANE “The Huge World of Emily Small”   Last week, my son and I went to see Donovan on the Sunshine Superman 50th Anniversary Tour. For me, it was a bit of a pilgrimage—Donovan was one of my favorite pop stars of the Summer of Love, yet I had never gotten around to seeing […]


Works In Progress

The Shazam’s “Godspeed The Shazam” – The Ultimate Reissue!

I was the owner of Not Lame Recordings from 1994-2010. The label released almost 100 CDs, no small accomplishment for one man. In retrospect, it was insanity. There are many […]

The 1998 Power Pop Classic – Re-Mastered, Re-Issued and Re-Evaluated In A 2 CD Definitive Package!

In 1998, one of the power pop’s genres most heralded releases came out on the Not Lame Recordings label. It was called “Life On Planet Eartsnop”.  It was an immediate […]

A New Book That Will Probe The Drive Of Today’s Power Pop’s Most Talented Artists!

Most book projects in the entertainment world tend to promote the most popular and successful artists – the ones who sell millions of records.  Few have ever wanted to cover […]

A One-Of-A-Kind Book Project Featuring, Highlighting The Sophisticated Good Taste And Music Collections Of YOU!

I have this idea.  I think it’s a good one. A really good one. Here it is: What would it like to have a peak inside the music collections of […]